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  1. The mid-eighties , SAW devices are developing rapidly and quickly applied to the field of radar communications .


  2. The Kowloon Branch building of the Hong Kong Bank was completed in mid-eighties ;


  3. By the mid-Eighties , they were shorter than ever when shares reached new heights .


  4. For example , in the mid-eighties , American films had eighty percent of the market in South Korea .


  5. The Communicative Approach was first put forward in the 1970s , reached its peak and was introduced into our country in the mid-eighties .


  6. From the mid-eighties of the twentieth century , the aesthetic thoughts of China begin to trend from aesthetic to ugliness .


  7. In the mid-eighties , her feministic consciousness became awakening ;


  8. Along with changes in social management system , street community gradually developed ; relatively , community education rose from the mid-eighties of the last century in our country .


  9. From the mid-eighties of the last century , the international community has been setting off a wave of researching the intelligent robot , paying more attention to the Humanoid Robot .


  10. In the UK alone , more than one million under-16s are classed as overweight or obese-double the number in the mid-Eighties .


  11. Roll forming machine is the mid-eighties the advent of the new energy-saving equipment , which is a machine , hydraulic , electrical automation as one of the devices , and more used in sheet metal forming .


  12. Since the mid-eighties of last century and the pioneering study of Brander and Lewis , the study on the factor of product market competition effecting on capital structure has become an important research question of the determinants of capital structure .


  13. Dumping all of his Apple stock when booted from the company Steve Jobs ' decision to dump all of his Apple stock probably doesn 't seem like a good idea when the company dumped him in the mid-eighties .
