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美 [ˈsɪksti fɔːr]英 [ˈsɪksti fɔː(r)]
  • 网络64;六十四


being four more than sixty
Synonym: 64 lxiv


  1. Lesson Sixty-four Let 's go to plant trees !


  2. The exhibition will show sixty-four projects that he designed , including homes , public buildings and religious spaces .


  3. It is put forward about the selective method and sixty-four - dollar question in application .


  4. Two hundred and sixty-four of these transactions resulted in profits ;


  5. The fifth group on the list is people twenty-five to sixty-four with chronic health problems .


  6. City officials believed that offering promotions the results would violate the nineteen sixty-four Civil Rights Act .


  7. All were Suhamites , whose number was sixty-four thousand four hundred .


  8. For workers aged thirty-five to sixty-four , 67 % indicated that they would rather have more time off .


  9. It 's five hundred sixty-four yuan .


  10. Eight times eight equals sixty-four .


  11. These are the kindreds of Issachar , whose number was sixty-four thousand three hundred .


  12. Sixty-four years later , Belmonte exchanged his original unused ticket for three new tickets to the 2014 final .


  13. This is eleven per cent up over the 1996 figure and represents sixty-four per cent of the total group income for 1997 .


  14. They accuse Wal-Mart of violating part of a federal law , the Civil Rights Act of nineteen sixty-four .


  15. Mr. Cox says Japan has invested a lot in seismic research and design since a magnitude 7.5 earthquake in Niigata in nineteen sixty-four .


  16. Objective Sixty-four patients with medulloblastoma treated at a single hospital are presented , with the results , prognostic factors and the most common acute side effect of radiotherapy analyzed .


  17. There are sixty-four student .


  18. Objective To explore the effect and mechanism of magnet-applied on acupoints for treating benign prostate hyperplasia ( BPH ) . Methods Sixty-four patients of BPH were divided into two groups .


  19. The Book of Changes was originally intended to protect the economic interests and avoid risks . There are sixty-four hexagrams in the Book of Changes , the core of each hexagram is economic interests .


  20. A grid palce before the lion , quartering him , each quater subdivided into sixteen squares , total of sixty-four squares through which lion parts may be sen.


  21. Sage Fu Xi drew the Innate Gossip and Zhou Wenwang made the Acquired Gossip according to Fu Xi 's Innate Gossip and further pushed the performance of the sixty-four hexagrams .


  22. Sixty-four percent ( 259 / 407 ) of FSWs had at least one kind of RTLs , with one infection of 128 ( 49.4 % , 128 / 259 ), and two or more infections of 131 FSWs .


  23. They were at sixes and sevens . The sixty-four dollar question is you don 't have time The sixty-four dollar question is I don 't have enough money Don 't worry about the story about you in the newspaper .


  24. Tang Ren Shuo Hui is a large collection of classical Chinese novels which was published during the period of Qianlong of Qing Dynasty , altogether has include one hundred and sixty-four literary works of the Tang dynasty ( including Wu Dai and Song Dynasty ) .


  25. The writer Mark Twain famously said : " This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three-hundred and sixty-four days . " In some countries , you have until noon to play your jokes .


  26. By comparing the six-digit numbers inscribed on the vessels of the Shang and Zhou dynasties and some received literature related , we can find the sixty-four hexagrams made up of two kinds of symbols should have come into being at the turn of the Shang and Zhou dynasties .
