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  1. Hu Maoyan , chairman , said the group would establish five new car " platforms " industry jargon for the manufacturing facilities needed for different types of model .


  2. The movie has struck a chord with audiences , as it has scored 9.7/10 on the ticketing app Maoyan .


  3. Several e-ticketing institutions , including Maoyan and Baidu Nuomi , have all received notices from SARFT to investigate the abnormal fluctuations in the ticket sales of Ip Man 3 .


  4. More than 280000 people have indicated on ticketing platform Maoyan that they want to see the film , making it the most second-most hotly anticipated title out of the whopping 13 films lined up for release that same day .


  5. A group of Chinese scientists , led by Zhu Maoyan of the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology , plan to change that with a project called " From the Snowball Earth to the Cambrian explosion : the evolution of life and environment 600m years ago . "
