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  • 网络滚动时域估计;肝性脑病;轻微肝性脑病;物料搬运设备;顶空萃取
  1. Mhe effect of campus culture in the style of study education of college students in artistic college


  2. The theory and the methods on approaching the MHE projection


  3. A moving horizon estimation ( MHE ) strategy is discussed on the system with the uncertain disturbance inputs .


  4. MHE must be pervaded in all work of school by rectifying and reforming the educational resource ;


  5. The basic strategy of MHE is to reformulate the estimation problem asa quadratic program using a moving estimation window .


  6. For the constraint system of covariance matrix being uncertain , a robust moving horizon estimation ( MHE ) strategy is discussed .


  7. Some suggestions of improving MHE are proposed in this article based on the current situations and characteristics of MHE in schools for MR children .


  8. Also , M / H service data processing , such as MHE encapsulation and non-systematic RS encoding , are described in details .


  9. Simulation results and comparison results with the recursive filter are given , and the results indicate that the method of MHE is more effective than the constrained linear system .


  10. Results The optimum conditions of MHE is extracting for another 40 min in 0.5 % ammonia water after heated to 60 ℃ by microwave of 2 000 W.


  11. A Research of Expressions of Glu , GABA , GluR_1 and GABAR_A in Hippocampus of MHE Rats


  12. Simulation results for a three tank system and comparisons with the Kalman estimator are given , which indicate the more effectiveness of MHE than Kalman filter for the constrained linear system .


  13. Taking the fact that there are external disturbances , model mismatch and the impact of noise in the measurement process into account , MHE is an effective method for state estimation . However , the estimation results are affected by the quality of the measurement data .


  14. Objective To establish the normal parameters of psychometric measures such as the number connection tests A ( NCT-A ) and digit symbol tests ( DST ) in assessment of minimal hepatic en - cephalopathy ( MHE ) .


  15. The plasma ammonia level was detected , psychometric tests ( number connection test A , NCT-A and digit symbol test , DST ) and electroencephalogram ( EEG ) were performed . The patient could be diagnosed as having MHE whichever of the three tests was abnormal .
