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  • 网络移动虚拟网络运营商;虚拟网络运营商;虚拟运营商;移动虚拟运营商;移动虚拟网络运营
  1. As apple was developing the iPhone many investors expected the company to become an MVNO ( mobile virtual network operator ) .


  2. The wholly owned European subsidiary will become the first Chinese mobile virtual network operator ( MVNO ) to be launched outside China .


  3. Google would likewise use the networks owned by existing groups to launch its services as a so-called mobile virtual network operator or MVNO .


  4. MVNO is a newly - emerged telecom-munication service operator who provides mobile services for customers through other operator 's mobile network .


  5. Under an MVNO arrangement , the mobile phone operator provides services directly to its own customers but does not own the network or the infrastructure behind the services .


  6. With the wireless service , Google will be operating as what is called a mobile virtual network operator , or MVNO , which provides a service on other mobile carriers ' networks .


  7. A mobile virtual network operator , or MVNO , typically buys access to network services from an existing operator at wholesale rates , then resells to its own retail subscribers .
