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  • 网络莫泽;莫塞尔
  1. The new way to judge the parameters of Moser 's theorem


  2. But Ms Moser believes another factor may aid Yachay 's success .


  3. Take the graphic image Moser used in his Journal of Abnormal Psychology study , described earlier .


  4. Two samples of the bilingual calligraphy devised by Mr David Moser .


  5. How many of the almost 150 brand new cities in her database does Ms Moser think will succeed ?


  6. A new ray tracing method , the shortest path method suggested by Moser , is used in seismic tomography .


  7. But if you talk about yourself in the third person , you can take better perspective , Moser says .


  8. High anxiety can make even simple tasks more difficult , says psychologist Jason Moser at Michigan State University .


  9. Improved Moser ray trace


  10. In fact , Moser [ 14 ] had already noted the persistence of elliptic lower dimensional tori .


  11. Two other researchers Norwegians May - Britt Moser and Edvard Moser share 1.1 million dollars prize .


  12. Moser found that the brains of the positive thinkers were less active than those of the negative thinkers / worriers .


  13. But Moser says that talking a worrier through a scenario like this helps her understand how unlikely that outcome is to happen .


  14. But I grew up loving Rockwell Kent 's illustrations of that novel , and later Barry Moser 's.


  15. We prove that there exist F2-invariant closed curves near elliptic two-period points for Fibonacci map by applying Moser twist theorem .


  16. M Moser Associates is an international firm of architects and interior designers specializing in designing and fitting out corporate offices for multinational companies .


  17. Hitherto , Lenz Moser had been using an immersion rinser with a sulphureous water bath .


  18. Some people -- and you know who you are -- are literally addicted to Q-Tipping their ears after every shower , ' says Mr. Moser .


  19. In linguistic terms , however , a distinction between use and mention is relevant and does provide some justification for the exclusion , Mr. Moser wrote .


  20. Obviously , there are much more ray directions from a secondary source with this method than with Moser 's method . The main tracing errors only come from interface discretization .


  21. Mr. Moser says it aims to hit roughly five million bottles across the Continent within a few years ; he will also soon begin talks with American distributors .


  22. The lead-developer of Auditor , Max Moser , notes that the menu structure of the LiveCD environment is its biggest advantage .


  23. For the study , Moser and his colleagues had 71 female study participants answer surveys that indicated whether they were generally positive thinkers or negative thinkers / worriers .


  24. The best way to stay in the " sweet spot , " Dr. Moser says , is to channel the anxiety into productive activity - like studying and acing the test .


  25. But I grew up loving Rockwell Kent 's illustrations of that novel , and later Barry Moser 's.It 's hard to think of the book without them .


  26. But to David Moser , a specialist in Chinese linguistics , the exclusion of shengn ü leftover woman in the new edition is risible .


  27. Moser lost a baby she was carrying on Saturday , but legal experts say killing an unborn child will not be added to the list of murder charges against Holmes .


  28. Joy Moser , spokeswoman for the Kansas Division of Emergency Management , said the agency had confirmed five deaths , and dozens of homes and buildings were damaged and destroyed around the region .


  29. But Ms Moser points to some promising examples , such as Yachay , north of Ecuador 's capital Quito , planned as a centre for scientific , academic , economic and technological research and innovation .


  30. And Changyu Moser XV , which now sells about 170000 bottles a year in Britain , Germany and the Netherlands , is gearing up for a big expansion .
