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美 [ˈmesɪndʒər]英 [ˈmesɪndʒə(r)]
  • n.信使;送信人;邮递员;通信员

复数: messengers

messag(e) 信息 + -er 某种人

考研 TEM8



a person who gives a message to sb or who delivers messages to people as a job

He sent the order by messenger.


a motorcycle messenger





  • 1
    N-COUNT 送信者;通信员;信使
    A messenger takes a message to someone, or takes messages regularly as their job.

    There will be a messenger at the Airport to collect the photographs from our courier...



a person who carries a message
Synonym: courier


  1. The messenger bent and scratched at his knee where the strapping chafed .


  2. The messenger knocked loudly to awaken them .


  3. He worked his way up from messenger boy to account executive .


  4. Messengers brought news that the battle had been lost .


  5. He sent the order by messenger .


  6. Don 't blame me , I 'm only the messenger !


  7. Don 't shoot the messenger !


  8. He gave the instruction for the document to be sent by messenger .


  9. There will be a messenger at the Airport to collect the photographs from our courier


  10. I 'll order a special messenger to deliver the document .


  11. The messenger boy will run off his legs sooner or later .


  12. The boy is going to act the part of messenger in the play .


  13. The messenger brought your note today .


  14. Muscle performance can also be affected by a phenomenon called " central fatigue , " in which an imbalance in the body 's chemical messengers prevents the central nervous system from directing muscle movements effectively .


  15. You are the messengers of brightness and hope , the most beautiful angels and real heroes .


  16. There are many contacts in your instant messenger that you may never start a conversation with or whose name has slipped from your memory .


  17. A modern variation on the traditional penpal arrangement is to have a keypal . People can use the keyboard to talk to each other through emails or instant messengers instead of writing paper letters .


  18. Upon receiving the letter , he opened the envelope , and skimmed through the letter as if he could read . Then he said to the messenger : " All right . I will go in a little while . "


  19. Instant messenger system is a very popular application in recent years .


  20. Analysis & Design of the Security in Enterprise Instant Messenger


  21. Research and Design of Instant Messenger Message Monitoring System


  22. Analysis and Settlement of Three Typical Examples of Messenger Wire Broken


  23. Applications can be submitted as a group using a single messenger .


  24. Investigation of Teaching Application Based on Instant Messenger


  25. Design and Implementation of Instant Messenger System Server


  26. Research and Implementation of Instant Messenger Message Monitor Technology


  27. I ran down towards them , making like a messenger .


  28. You may be God 's messenger to that person .


  29. The Design and Implementation of Plain Text and File Transmission Monitoring System for Instant Messenger


  30. Messenger defines the methods that the core needs to report errors and progress information .



corner n.

corn 角 + -er 某种人

customer n. 顾客

custom 习惯,惯例 + -er 某种人

dancer n. 舞者

dance v.跳舞 + -er 某种人

driver n. 驾驶员

drive 驾驶 + -er 某种人

farmer n. 农民

farm n.农场 + -er 某种人

foreigner n. 外国人

foreign adj.外国的 + -er 某种人

manager n. (企业、店铺等的)经理,经营者,老板

manage v.管理 + -er 某种人

officer n. 官员

offic(e) 办公室 + -er 某种人

order n. 顺序

ord 命令 + -er 某种人

owner n. 物主

own adj.&pron.自己的 + -er 某种人

partner n. 搭档

part 部分,分开 + -n- + -er 某种人

player n. 游戏者

play v.玩 + -er 某种人

poster n. 招贴画

post- 邮政,邮件 + -er 某种人

reporter n. 记者

report v.汇报 + -er 某种人

river n.

riv 流动 + -er 某种人

singer n. 唱歌的人

sing v.唱 + -er 某种人

soldier n. (尤指)士兵

soldi- 完整 + -er 某种人

teacher n. 教师

teach 教导,教书 + -er 某种人

teenager n. 青少年

teenage 青少年的 + -er 某种人

winner n. 赢家

win v.在(比赛 + -n- + -er 某种人

worker n. 工人

work 工作,运转 + -er 某种人

writer n. 作家

writ(e) 写 + -er 某种人

cleaner n. 清洁工

clean adj.清洁的 + -er 某种人

explorer n. 探索者

explor(e) + -er 某种人

fighter n. 战士

fight v.打架 + -er 某种人

former n. 模型

form 形成 + -er 某种人

hunter n. 猎人

hunt v.打猎 + -er 某种人

interpreter n. 口译译员

interpret v.解释 + -er 某种人

keeper n. 保管人

keep v.拥有 + -er 某种人

leader n. 领导

lead v.带领(人)前进 + -er 某种人

manner n. 方式

man- 手 + -n- + -er 某种人

opener n. 开瓶器

open adj.开着的 + -er 某种人

painter n. 油漆匠

paint n.油漆 + -er 某种人

performer n. 表演者

perform v.执行 + -er 某种人

photographer n. 拍照者

photograph n.照片 + -er 某种人

porter n. 搬运工人

port n.港市 + -er 某种人

prayer n. 祈祷(的行为)

pray v.祈祷 + -er 某种人

premier n. 总理

prem- 第一的,主要的 + -er 某种人

receiver n. 接受者

receiv(e) 收到 + -er 某种人

recorder n. 录音机

record n.记录 + -er 某种人

reviewer n. 审核人

review n.审查 + -er 某种人

rooster n. 公鸡

roost n.栖息处 + -er 某种人

runner n. 跑步者

run v.跑 + -n- + -er 某种人

settler n. 移民

settl(e) 定居 + -er 某种人

smoker n. 吸烟者

smok(e) 吸烟 + -er 某种人

traveler n. 旅行者

travel v.旅行 + -er 某种人

user n. 使用者

us(e) 使用 + -er 某种人

viewer n. 观众

view 看 + -er 某种人

villager n. 村民

villag(e) 村庄 + -er 某种人

westerner n. 西方人

west n.西 + -ern ...方向的 + -er 某种人

announcer n. 播音员

announc(e) 宣布;声称 + -er 某种人

barber n. (为男子理发、修面的)理发师

barb- 胡须;胡子 + -er 某种人

beginner n. 新手

begin v.开始 + -n- + -er 某种人

carrier n. 载体

carr(y) 运送 + -i- + -er 某种人

commander n. 指挥官

com- 共同, 一起 + mand 命令, 委托 + -er 某种人

container n. 容器

con- 共同, 一起 + tain 拿住 + -er 某种人

employer n. 雇用者

employ v.雇用 + -er 某种人

lever n. (车辆或机器的)操纵杆,控制杆

lev 举,升 + -er 某种人

liner n. 邮轮

lin(e) 线;划线于 + -er 某种人

listener n. 听者

listen v.听 + -er 某种人

liver n. 肝脏

live v.活着 + -er 某种人

lover n. 情人

lov(e) 爱 + -er 某种人

manufacturer n. 制造商

manufactur(e) 产品;制造 + -er 某种人

miner n. 矿工

mine pron.我的所有 + -er 某种人

murderer n. 杀人犯

murder n.谋杀 + -er 某种人

observer n. 观察者

observ(e) 观察 + -er 某种人

philosopher n. 哲学家

phil 爱,喜欢 + -o- 无实义 + soph 智慧 + -er 某种人

reader n. 读书…的人

read v.读 + -er 某种人

researcher n. 研究员

research n.研究 + -er 某种人

rider n. 骑手

rid- 骑行 + -er 某种人

robber n. 强盗

rob v.抢劫 + -b- + -er 某种人

seller n. 卖者

sell v.卖 + -er 某种人

steamer n. 蒸汽机

steam n.蒸汽 + -er 某种人

stranger n. 陌生人

strang(e) 陌生的 + -er 某种人

tender adj. 柔软的

tend 伸展 + -er 某种人

remainder n. 余数

remain v.保持 + -d- + -er 某种人

  • 习语


shoot the messenger

to blame the person who gives the news that sth bad has happened, instead of the person who is really responsible

Don't shoot the messenger!
