- n.莫德;穆得

And I passed most of my time , anyway , with Maud .
Aunt Maud did not like my clothes and she said so , roundly .
This evening , as on every Thursday night , psychologist Maud Lehanne is leading two of France 's favorite pastimes , coffee drinking and the " talking cure " .
Maybe your Aunt Maud wasn 't too sure of the size .
Aunt Maud , too , revived as this and became quite energetic .
All his accumulated nervous agitation was discharged on Maud like a thunderbolt .
I think Aunt Maud , who was old by then and somewhat vague , may simply have forgotten ;
It was an improvised party , suggested by Aunt Maud , who complained at being left alone all day .
Additionally , Norway has a claim for Dronning Maud Land in Antarctica .
He spent decades in love with the Irish nationalist and proto-feminist Maud Gonne ;
Confronted with the loss of identity , Roland and Maud take different ways to pursue their identities and finally succeed in identity-seeking .
LaMotte and Maud in Possession & A Process of the Self-definition of Womanhood
Anne of Green Gables is a classic children 's novel published in1908 by the renowned Canadian writer Lucy Maud Montgomery .
On their way to pursue identity , Roland resorts to separating himself from the predecessor ; while Maud takes a positive attitude to construct relationships with others .
Maud ate it all up .
In Lay Dying son , and his wife Maud spring to discuss , to the hospital offered : to donate his corneas of Bin-Bin !
Carol , Laurel , Jules , Therese , Maud .
The Victorian poetess Christabel LaMotte and twentieth century scholar Maud are analyzed . It mainly describes the two women and how to pursue self-identity .
" Well , perhaps not all of them ," I said carefully , and cast about in my mind . I thought of my aunt Maud and her reminiscences .
As a famous Canadian writer , Lucy Maud Montgomery enjoys a world-wide reputation for her Anne series , especially for her first book Anne of Green Gables .
This fact is regarded as inconvenient by most of my family , especially my grand-aunt Maud , who is grand and old and was once famous for her parties ;
With X-ray diffraction ( XRD ), scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) was used to characterize the morphology and structural features . The X-ray diffraction was refined using the Rietveld method and Maud program .
Anne and Montgomery once again became the symbol of popular culture . Lucy Maud Montgomery was voted the most influential Canadian writer and one of twenty-five Canadians who inspired the world .
" When You Are Old " is an oft-guoted lyric Yeats wrote for his first girlfriend Maud Gonne , a noble-minded fighter for the cause of national liberation in modern Ireland .
For years my Great Aunt Maud lived alone in a remote cottage beside a road in the Welsh hills . Yet she was never afraid of being attacked or robbed because she had devised a unique way of protecting herself .
" Oh dear , Brussels lace & Maud is so terribly extravagant . " My mother looked at this dress in a sad way ; and , over the top of her head , Jenna gave me a wink .
Along with Viscount Severn , Louis older siblings Prince George and Princess Charlotte both wore the gown , as did Lord Frederick Windsor 's daughter Maud and Zara Tindall 's little girl , Mia .