- 网络奇迹;马维尔;马韦尔

Marvell : Hello , Jennifer , Glad to hear you .
Marvell : hello , this is marvell , who 's that speaking ?
A line from a poem by Andrew Marvell crossed my mind - " The grave is a fine and private place but none , I think , do there embrace . " I hoped it wasn 't true .
Marvell is now pushing technology that can dramatically reduce power waste in all consumer electronics .
A line from a poem by Andrew Marvell crossed my mind -
Andrew Marvell is one of the metaphysical poets in the seventeenth century in Britain .
How does it compare with Marvell 's Bermudas , which is somewhat later in time ?
Marvell at the Future of Publishing Summit on Tuesday showed a prototype of a10-inch tablet running Android .
Marvell , the maker of processors for the BlackBerry phone , is based in Santa Clara , California .
To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell
In the English renaissance , Andrew marvell , a metaphysical poet , in his poem the garden , created a garden which is sweet , natural and harmonious .
In the funeral parlor I whispered Donne to the embalming fluids and Marvell to the corpses .
The number of Marvell shares borrowed by short-sellers more than doubled from 16 million in mid-September 2007 to nearly 37 million by the end of January .
At its Santa Clara , California , headquarters , meanwhile , Marvell has embarked on a campaign dubbed " Footprint Zero " to gradually make its company operations carbon-neutral .
The suit claims that Goldman cost the married couple $ 100 million by duping them into selling a portion of their Marvell shares to cover a margin loan at the height of the financial crisis .
The category is being promoted by wireless and graphics chipmakers such as Freescale , Nvidia , Marvell and Qualcomm , which have been unable to grab a significant share of the netbook market .
In the amendment , the couple allege that in January 2008 Goldman ( GS ) removed sutardja and Dai from the ownership records of 20 million shares of Marvell stock the couple held in a Goldman brokerage account .
A lawyer for the couple , Sehat sutardja and Weili Dai , co-founders and executives of the semiconductor company Marvell technologies ( mrvl ) , said the claim will be added Tuesday to a suit the couple filed in a San Francisco court against Goldman a year ago .