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  1. In some cases , however , this may backfire , says Markman .


  2. In fact , one researcher discovered that the more positively couples rated their communication , the more satisfied they were with their relationship five and a half years later ( Markman , 1981 ) .


  3. If you enjoy being the center of attention , try putting yourself in social situations that don 't involve food , suggests Markman .


  4. Markman , who tells couples that by the end of this exercise , it 's likely that an answer to their problem will be evident .


  5. " If the goal of any new therapy is to cure metastatic breast cancer , it is going to be a very long time-if ever-before we see it ," Markman said .


  6. The research , which appears in the Journal of Family Psychology , was conducted by Galena Rhoades , senior researcher , Scott Stanley , research professor , and Howard Markman , professor of psychology .
