magic bullets

美 [ˈmædʒɪk ˈbʊləts]英 [ˈmædʒɪk ˈbʊlɪts]
  • n.(针对某种疾病的)灵丹妙药,神奇疗法;(解决某一问题的)灵丹妙药
  • magic bullet的复数
magic bulletsmagic bullets

magic bullets


  • 1
    N-COUNT 魔弹 (指能快速治愈疾病的药物或疗法)
    In medicine, a magic bullet is a drug or treatment that can cure a disease quickly and completely.

  • 2
    N-COUNT (能轻松解决难题的)灵丹妙药
    A magic bullet is an easy solution to a difficult problem.

    A lot of people are looking for some sort of magic bullet that will solve this problem.


  1. All of the other six attraction switches from Magic Bullets still apply in Social Circle game .


  2. Magic Bullets explains the concept of " locking in ", which is crucial to this .


  3. These phrases are not magic bullets that will solve all your customer service conflicts .


  4. But as trade liberalising tools they are no magic bullets .


  5. Actually , it 's a bit more complex than that , and there are no magic bullets .


  6. Remember Observed and Told DHVs from Magic Bullets ?


  7. There are no magic bullets and no product you can purchase and install to definitively protect against all threats .


  8. Magic Bullets is the same way , but probably even more so , since it is more up-to-date and has much more material and real-life examples .


  9. In an infected animal , chemicals of this sort should behave like " magic bullets ," striking the pathogen but missing the host .


  10. Besides , some reforms , such as relaxing the rules on foreign ownership of insurance companies , may not prove to be the magic bullets that industry lobbyists claim .
