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It represents a situation in which God and the ego " challenge " each other as to whose meaning is to be written in the empty space that meaninglessness provides .
Before leaving on his journey , Henderson is also caught in the familiar existential dilemma of Bellow 's heroes : yearning for order and meaning in his life , he finds only chaos and meaninglessness .
But Harju says the fundamental experience of boreout is meaninglessness – “ the experience that the work doesn 't really have any purpose , that there 's no point ” .
The writer of this book has tried to show us the emptiness , the meaninglessness of life where God is left out .
In the end , it may be all but impossible to keep ourselves from scattering our online attentions to the point of meaninglessness .
Moreau , of course , sees nothing wrong in what he is doing and argues about the meaninglessness of pain ?
After growing disillusioned with the meaninglessness of being a financial analyst , Vacanti dropped out to start his own company .
This can provide much inspiration for those who believe in the liberalism and individualism of the West who are faced with empty values and meaninglessness .
The mind-set that produces happiness and well-being can be learned , serving as an antidote to depression and meaninglessness , these experts say .
It had sounded , the way Harl had put it , like wild meaninglessness dreamed up by the marketing department with the backing of the accountants .
Interpersonal relations discord are the feelings of love , teacher-student relationship discord , parent-child tensions and incomplete and so on . Fifth , suicide ideation has something to do with the sense of " meaninglessness " in the study and life .
On cue , militant atheists trotted out their own hoary lines : vacuity of the god of the gaps , meaninglessness of the questions about the meaning of it all , and so on .
But beneath their masks of relaxation and joviality there was only sterility , meaninglessness and futility , and amid the grandeur and extravagance a spiritual wasteland and a hint of decadence and moral decay .