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  1. Luoyi ( luoyang in Henan Province ) is the capital of Easterm Zhou Dynasty .


  2. The next year , in 770 BC , King Ping moved the capital to Luoyi ( now Luoyang City in Henan Province ) .


  3. In order or to enhance the control over the east , Duke Dan of Zhou acted under the order of King Cheng , taking charge of the task of building Luoyi .


  4. In the following year , King You 's successor , King Ping , moved the capital to Luoyi with the support of some of the nobles and vassal .


  5. However , from the time that King Ping moved his court to Luoyi ( now the city of Luoyang in Henan Province ) establishing the Eastern Zhou Dynasty , the Zhou influence went into decline .


  6. Internal power struggles and invasions of Rong tribe forced King Ping to abandon Haojing and with the help of such states as Jin and Zheng moved to Luoyi in 771 B.C.


  7. In 606 B. C. King Zhuang headed troops arriving at the outskirts of Luoyi , and King Ding of Zhou was forced to hold ritual of consolation for him .


  8. Eastern Zhou Dynasty came into being in 770 B. C. , when King Ping of Zhou moved the capital eastward to Luoyi , and ended in 256 B.C. , when conquered by the Qin , lasting 514 years under the reign of 25 kings .
