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  1. Lookback to the Applied Research on the Theory of Personality Structure


  2. Pricing Futures Contract Considering Reserve Margin Based on Lookback Option Model


  3. Fourier Method for Pricing European Lookback Options with General Payoff Function


  4. Optimal Time Interval and Lookback Interval of Short-term Traffic Flow Prediction under Free Traffic Condition


  5. Study of Lookback Option Pricing in Fractional Brownian Motion Environment


  6. This study discover lookback of three types : the type of memory , comprehension and examination .


  7. Research on Basket - Lookback Option Valuation


  8. By the method of Fourier transformation , the price formula for the European lookback options with general payoff function is determined .


  9. Pricing lookback option under CEV process


  10. It constructes a trinomial method to approximate the CEV process and use it to price lookback options .


  11. This paper discusses the pricing of lookback options when the underlying asset follows the constant elasticity of variance ( CEV ) process .


  12. This method is also applicable for other problems , such as alpha-friction - al options , and lookback option with partial observation .


  13. Chapter 4 discusses the pricing of two kinds of exotic options : An European lookback call option and an European up-and-out call option with varied barriers .


  14. This paper mostly studies one of the valuations of floating strike price lookback options in a jump-diffusion model , by using the stochastic analysis , partial differential equation and general Ito formula .


  15. Singular means that the structure of exotic options peculiar , unprecedented , or the option for the options , package options , or for Asian options , lookback options .


  16. This kind of option can be divided into Asian Option which the value of depends on the average price and Lookback Option which the value of depends on the largest ( small ) price .


  17. One of them is the lookback options , they are path dependent options whose payoffs depend on the maximum or minimum of underlying asset price attained over a certain period of time .


  18. This text introduces and lookback first the history origin and the present condition , aim at the actual circumstance of the stock market of our country to put forward question , and make sure the textual research contents .


  19. This paper mainly discuss the option 's pricing formula of the geometric average assets with barrier during the option 's effective period . And the option 's pricing formula is worked out via the approach of the reflection principle and lookback option .
