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  • 网络时间复杂度
  1. The conclusion that the time complexity is O ( n + logn ) is reached by the algorithm .


  2. Objective : To investigate the treatment of bone defects and nonunion in logn bone shaft after fracture .


  3. What materials should be prepared before apply the " Immunohistochemical Stain Service "? How logn would it take ?


  4. The logn bag filled with sand is a new type material for dam building and emergency harnessing of river .


  5. The conclusion is obtained that its time complexity is reduced from O ( n ) to O ( logn ) .


  6. How to swing leg is an important component in logn jump , and the most critical part in long jump .


  7. An o ( n ~ 2 logn ) algorithm for finding all strongly visible pairs of points of a finite planar point set


  8. Every node only maintain O ( 1 ) node information and find destination resource within O ( logN ) average logic routing hops .


  9. According to this rule , the parallel selection algorithm executed in time O ( logn logm ) on n processors is given .


  10. To obtain a linear relationship between logN and log ( S-S0 ) from test data of P-S-N curve is presented in this paper .


  11. The space complexity of the algorithm is only O ( n ) while the time complexity approximates to O ( n2 ? logn ) .


  12. All these algorithms run in O ( logn ) time using O ( n ) processors , where n is the number of vertices in the tree .


  13. The maximum number of serial computations , which is a measure of the processing time , is approximately proportional to logN , where N is the number of busses or nodes in the power system .


  14. Among lots of DHT based structured P2P systems , the constant-degree system has two novel characteristics : the neighbor degree of each peer is constant and the lookup efficiency is O ( logN ) .


  15. Some classic P2P system , like Chord , CAN , Pastry and Tapestry , can achieve a path length of O ( logN ) by using O ( logN ) neighbors per node .


  16. This paper presents an algorithm for determining convexo-concave venices of an arbitrary polygon . The algorithm requires O ( n2 logn ) multiplications and O ( n2 ) comparisons .


  17. The algorithm can adaptively decrease the time complexity for line clipping , ranging from O ( logn ) to O ( n ), but less than O ( n ) in most cases , where n is the number of the edges of the polygon .


  18. With the amount of nodes increasing in the network , the average searching time and the average searching hops have a better O ( logN ) performance ; The node failure mainly only affects the exited nodes and makes minimal effect on the non-failed nodes in the network .


  19. This paper , first , based on Batcher 's principle of bitonic merging , proposes the bitonic selection network in which the number of comparators is O ( nlog ~ 2m ) and the delay time is O ( logn logm );
