lock away

美 [lɑːk əˈweɪ]英 [lɒk əˈweɪ]
  • (自我)隔绝, 封闭;把…锁起藏好;把…关入监狱(或精神病院)
lock awaylock away

lock away


  • 1
    PHRASAL VERB 把…锁起妥藏
    If you lock something away in a place or container, you put or hide it there and fasten the lock.

    She meticulously cleaned the gun and locked it away in its case...


  • 2
    PHRASAL VERB 把…关入监狱(或精神病院)
    To lock someone away means to put them in prison or a secure mental hospital.

    Locking them away is not sufficient, you have to give them treatment.


  • 3
    PHRASAL VERB (自我)隔绝, 封闭
    If you lock yourself away, you go somewhere where you can be alone, and do not come out or see anyone for some time.

    I locked myself away with books and magazines.



place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape
The parents locked her daughter up for the weekend
She locked her jewels in the safe
Synonym: lock in lock put away shut up shut away lock up


  1. Along with his picture , I would lock away my heart .


  2. Take good care to lock away your jewellery in a strongbox before going away on holiday .


  3. Lock yourself away from the world and work on your goals .


  4. My dad would lock himself away and copy them for hours .


  5. then then I have to lock you away .


  6. And so him carve out him heart , lock it away in a chest and hide the chest from the world .


  7. Men lock themselves away in small rooms and have almost no contact with the outside world , relying entirely on their parents to provide food .


  8. But Sarah 's widower eventually met somebody else , and decided to lock Roy away until they moved house three years later .


  9. Voting closes on February 20 and for the following three days Mr Oltmanns and Mr Rosas will lock themselves away to count the results .


  10. A carryover into the Mets series would be fine , but most of all , Torre stressed that the Yankees must find a way to store it & remember the combination and lock it away in case of emergency .


  11. " If they catch you , they will think you a devil ," Igel told me . " And lock you away , or worse , they will test to see if they are right by throwing you in a fire . "


  12. Boat-owner Peter Overschmidt has agreed not to lock his boat away for the winter .


  13. He shut the lid and pressed the lock , when away flew the trunk up the chimney with the merchant 's son in it , right up into the clouds .


  14. However those restriction quickly melt away if the lock can been JIT'ed away .


  15. Old lock had almost rusted away .


  16. I slowly sat down across from her . I took her left hand and held it in mine , brushing a stray lock of golden hair away from her face .


  17. The experimental results for the injection locking of a repeated TEA CO_2 laser are given , which are the same as those for the injection locking of the single TEA CO_2 laser . It has been observed that one spectral line can lock another line far away .
