
  • 网络合法化


make legal
Marijuana should be legalized
Synonym: legalize legalise decriminalize decriminalise legitimize legitimate legitimatize legitimatise


  1. How does one legitimise a state built on the old KGB principles of force and fraud ?


  2. Specific grants or targeted benefits would help legitimise the caregiving role as well as directly help those who care .


  3. Images which glorify violence and cruelty , serve to legitimise such behaviour .


  4. It is not hard to see how the law could be used to legitimise expropriation .


  5. Expert advice is used to legitimise government policies that have a significant effect on people 's lives .


  6. But it may help legitimise and raise awareness of the desire for greater international currency diversification .


  7. Iran may be feeling the pressure but it has yet to legitimise or cease its nuclear activities .


  8. If it comes to that , Scotland will be in a different position – one that could legitimise a split .


  9. That would legitimise our claims .


  10. Now I ask you , how do you intend to legitimise that ?


  11. " I don 't want to legitimise the process of my right to self-determination being trampled ," he says .


  12. They endeavoured to legitimise that approach by invoking the concept of " substantial equivalence " .


  13. Finally , the fund would legitimise the creation of a trading exchange designed to ensure that emissions were reduced in the most cost-effective way .


  14. Sometimes worldly rulers draw on religious symbolism to enforce their authority , impress their subjects or legitimise war .


  15. Which enable him to legitimise his stance in his own eyes and to retain a false appearance of dignity .


  16. Nor , on the other hand , if God does not exist , are we provided with any values or commands that could legitimise our behaviour .


  17. A glance back at history suggests that in the early days of consulting it was the strategy firms that needed business schools to help legitimise their emerging profession .


  18. But while it has been designed to protect against land seizures , some fear it will legitimise the illegal land grabs that have already taken place .


  19. It aims to legitimise traditional knowledge and protect it from biopiracy and patent claims by providing information to patent offices for cross-checking of new applications .


  20. They somehow legitimise misconduct and illegal behaviour - just as stock shrinkage as a description for staff theft somehow minimises the crime .


  21. Microsoft declined to comment on the commercial terms it had reached with these companies , or the precise methods it would use to legitimise PCs that have been using stolen software .


  22. These activists legitimise their cause by publishing opinion articles in professional journals and quoting each other liberally , while essentially ignoring the mainstream of science .


  23. Microsoft declined to comment on the commercial terms it had reached with these companies , or the precise methods it would use to " legitimise " PCs that have been using stolen software .


  24. This loya jirga is intended to legitimise the power sharing arrangement set up in Bonn and begin to iron out at least some of the inequalities in representation .


  25. Legitimise choices made in the Kremlin , it is Mr Putin who will decide who and what follow him , if he leaves office , as he is supposed to , in2008 .


  26. So we are apprehensive as to whether the parliamentary political parties will only work to improve and institutionalise the house and legitimise it rather than moving ahead in the direction of a constituent assembly .


  27. But the effect , and intention , of the tacit compliance involved in superficial congeniality is to entrench a reality of power : to legitimise authority based only on the occupation of positions of authority .


  28. The great irony of this is that one of the main reasons why the ADB still lends money to China is to bring higher governance and safety standards to the country – and thereby legitimise some of its own infrastructure projects .


  29. Their role is to begin to allow market forces to affect the cost of money for banks and companies ahead of interest rate reform ; WMPs also legitimise investments that have not yet been officially approved , or are banned in banking channels .
