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  • 网络贵秋;纪州犬
  1. According to Okasaki , the next generation will keep producing Kishu Binchotan , but not in the same way .


  2. He shrugged and said Kishu Binchotan should really be used for its original purpose : cooking .


  3. The ash gradually cools the Kishu Binchotan and gives the wood its distinctive white appearance .


  4. The smell of fish cooking on Kishu Binchotan reminds him of winter meals as a child .


  5. Kishu Binchotan is the active ingredient in many cosmetics , shampoos and toothpastes ;


  6. I felt the primal appeal of this work and understood why family Kishu Binchotan operations have continued in this way for hundreds of years .


  7. As he waited for the batch of charcoal to finish its first burn , he explained the basics of the Kishu Binchotan process .


  8. No ordinary cooking agent , Kishu Binchotan has been marketed as everything from an air and water purifier to a mood enhancer .


  9. The basics of making Kishu Binchotan can be learned in a year or so , but perfecting the consistency of the charcoal is an instinct that takes decades to develop .


  10. At Okazaki 's workshop , he and his assistant were busy making Kishu Binchotan , reaching into the kiln with long metal rakes suspended from hooks .


  11. The next morning I took a coastline train from Wakayama City to Minabe to meet and observe one of the region 's finest Kishu Binchotan makers , Mitsuo Okazaki , at his workshop .


  12. When I asked the chef why they use Kishu Binchotan rather than a cheaper variety of charcoal , he listed the reasons in a well-practiced routine , emphasizing his points with the skewers as he turned them on the grill .


  13. As to which foods benefit most from Kishu Binchotan , Okazaki rattled off a list including wagyu beef , lamb and yakitori , but landed on saba shioyakai ( salted mackerel ) as the dish he thinks best reveals the subtle aroma of wood .
