
  • 卡哇伊
  1. She is just so " kawaii ", or cute beyond belief .


  2. Kawaii Pet Shop Monogatari


  3. Since the ' 90s many in the nation have wanted their culture to get in touch with its feminine side , hence the new love of all things kawaii ( rhymes with Hawaii and means cute ) .


  4. The carrier has recently launched three Hello Kitty-themed aircraft , on which everything from the fuselage to the flight attendants to the food is kitted out in the kawaii cat brand 's images .


  5. Japanese companies now take special care in projecting their kawaii image , says Yasuko Nakamura , president of Tokyo-based marketing company Boom Planning : Japanese products are made to be kawaii so that they are liked by women .


  6. Although the brand typifies the Japanese trend for " kawaii " or cuteness , the character itself is identified as British , " born in a suburb of London , " because when she was created in the 1970s , British culture was fashionable in Japan .


  7. Sanrio has tried to keep Hello Kitty up to the times : sensing a move away from Japan 's love affair with the cute , or " kawaii " aesthetic , it has pushed an edgier look for the cat in the last three years , using as much black as pink .
