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  • 网络按键;击键;键盘事件
  1. Freestanding keypress and wide LCD screen make system be provided with friendly man-machine interaction ;


  2. Moving the mouse back to the original position prior to the keypress makes sure the mouse is put back where you left it .


  3. Keydown () - Called whenever a page element has a keypress done on it / in it


  4. Keypress functions of the standby screen are preserved , including silent mode , phone lock , and selection of default shortcuts .


  5. Just sending a Ctrl + t at this point will not create the desired behavior , as the Flash player will simply absorb the keypress .


  6. In other words , you can make one keypress after pressing r. As a result , vi automatically returns to command mode ( without pressing the Esc key ) .


  7. Unfortunately , this won 't be the case , and you might find yourself running off to figure out how to capture the keypress event to mimic this function .


  8. Reducing or removing the usleep function calls can improve the speed of the keypress event sending , but may cause other issues when the system is responding sluggishly .


  9. Sounds in response to user activity , such as a click after a keypress , a whoosh accompanying opening and closing windows , or a klunk when a file is deleted .
