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美 [ˈdʒoʊli]英 [ˈdʒəʊli]
  • 网络乔利;若利;乔丽
  1. Joly relied on this already strong relationship to help win Schulze over .


  2. When the two finally met just before Thanksgiving , Joly approached the meeting with respect for Schulze .


  3. The price has gone up3 % since Joly of last year .


  4. His paper presents the principle and method for measuring the matter content of mixed solid by use of Joly balance .


  5. Joly had attempted to meet directly with Schulze for several months but was repeatedly rebuffed .


  6. Generally speaking , Hawkes used the communicative approach most frequently , while Joly and the Yangs tended to use semantic approach .


  7. Joly , perceiving a cat prowling on a gutter , extracted philosophy from it .


  8. Markets have reacted positively to the new alliance , and this move brings Joly one step closer to turning around the flagging big-box retailer .


  9. Joly was hired as CEO with no retail experience and by the same board that had ousted Schulze .


  10. In the angle opposite Grantaire , Joly and Bahorel were playing dominoes , and talking of love .


  11. Although Ms Le Joly believes the technology has enhanced teaching at HEC , she admits demand for the textbooks has not dried up just because the information is available online .


  12. Going online has encouraged students to look further afield for information that can support their studies , according to Karine Le Joly , HEC 's director of innovation for executive education .


  13. This resolution once arrived at , Bossuet , Joly , and Grantaire did not stir from the wine-shop .


  14. And what will become of all history in the eighteenth hour , when the world itself , even the whole Moulin Joly , shall come to its end and be buried in universal ruin ?


  15. Under CEO Hubert Joly , who joined the company last August , Best Buy said earlier this week it will kill its Results Only Work Environment , which allowed employees to work wherever they wanted , including home .


  16. At the sight of Javert bound to the post , Courfeyrac , Bossuet , Joly , Combeferre , and the men scattered over the two barricades came running up .
