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  1. The first , it deeply explores the present circumstance of and various reasons for educational justic from ethics ' perspective .


  2. Being the main body in education and teaching activities , schools should take an important role in implementing justic educating and achieving eduction justice .


  3. In the court itself , the court makes the justic have the feature of administration so as to improve the external environment and seek the economic benefits .


  4. The ethical justice of examination system can be divided into three levels : ethical aim justic , ethical structure justic and ethical foundation justic .


  5. How to renew the concept , implement the policy , do justic to the function of guided reading & lift the utilization ratio of documental resources becomes another new task of serving readers .


  6. The new minister of justic Dan Dinglam ( Chen Dingnan ) said that he defiance shown by the once infamous investigation bureau makes him feel powerless to carry out any reform .
