
美 [ˈɪnvəlɪdɪd]英 [ˈɪnvəlɪdɪd]
  • v.(因伤病)令…退役
  • invalid的过去分词和过去式
  1. He was invalided out of the army in 1943 .


  2. A plague invalided half of the population in the town .


  3. and you 've recently been invalided home from Afghanistan .


  4. A Study in Scarlet , Dr Watson is invalided home from military service in Afghanistan ?


  5. I know you 're an army doctor and you 've recently been invalided home from Afghanistan .


  6. Because of his illness , he expected to be invalided out at the end of the year .


  7. Aiming at the phenomenon some parts usually invalided due to abrasion in process of industrial production , the problem of abrasion on materials surface is researched .


  8. All the wounded soldiers were invalided home These military devices , leading to victory , must not be divulged beforehand .


  9. Of the185 firemen , sixty were invalided home because of burns .


  10. His wife died , and a little while afterwards he had an accident to his left eye and was invalided out of the service .


  11. The analysis showed that : the contract of sports lottery issue and sale signed by Xian sports lottery center and Yang Yong-ming is invalided .


  12. One partner at a UK law firm says : A lot of people get invalided out of the legal profession following a breakdown , or total inability to cope .


  13. Captain Miller wad disappointed when he was invalided out of the army after a nasty attack of lung disease , as he had intended to become a professional soldier .


  14. In this paper , we analyzed some property for the single restrict integer linear programming ( Knapsack problem ), Cut the invalided variable and simplify the problem . Designed a new algorithm & reduce dimension and Recursive algorithm .


  15. Mrs Alma then laments that she cannot help her other daughter with her little baby , Jane because she is invalided at home , and that it is " impossible to get nurses . "


  16. ' An old campaigner , Sir , ' said the Major , ' a smoke-dried , sun-burnt , used-up , invalided old dog of a Major , Sir , was not afraid of being condemned for his whim by a man like Mr Dombey .
