
美 [ɪnˈtenʃn]英 [ɪnˈtenʃn]
  • n.打算;意图;目的;计划

复数: intentions

in- 在内,进入,使 + tent 伸展 + -ion 行为,状态




what you intend or plan to do; your aim

I have no intention of going to the wedding.


He has announced his intention to retire.


It was not my intention that she should suffer.


He left England with the intention of travelling in Africa.


I have every intention of paying her back what I owe her.


The original intention was to devote three months to the project.


She's full of good intentions but they rarely work out.


I did it with the best (of) intentions (= meaning to help) , but I only succeeded in annoying them.


see also well intentioned

These are all words for talking about what sb/sth intends to do or achieve.以上各词均指意图、目的、目标。

what sth is supposed to achieve; what sb is trying to achieve指目的、目标:

Our campaign's main purpose is to raise money.


what sb is trying to achieve; what sth is supposed to achieve指目标、目的:

She went to London with the aim of finding a job.


Our main aim is to increase sales in Europe.


Your purpose for doing something is your reason for doing it; your aim is what you want to achieve. Aim can suggest that you are only trying to achieve sth; purpose gives a stronger sense of achievement being certain. Aim can be sb's aim or the aim of sth . Purpose is more usually the purpose of sth : you can talk about sb's purpose but that is more formal.

what you intend to do指打算、计划、意图:

I have no intention of going to the wedding.


She's full of good intentions but they rarely work out.


what you intend to do or achieve指计划、打算:

There are no plans to build new offices.


Your intentions are what you want to do, especially in the near future; your plans are what you have decided or arranged to do, often, but not always, in the longer term.

( rather informal ) the purpose or aim of sth 指意图、目的、理由:

What's the point of all this violence?


The point of the lesson is to compare the two countries.


( rather informal ) the purpose of sth; sb's aim 指目的、意图:

The whole idea of going was so that we could meet her new boyfriend.


What's the idea behind this?


Point is a more negative word than idea. If you say What's the point…? you are suggesting that there is no point; if you say What's the idea…? you are genuinely asking a question. Point , but not idea , is used to talk about things you feel annoyed or unhappy about.



  • 1
    N-VAR 意图;目的;打算
    An intention is an idea or plan of what you are going to do.

    Beveridge announced his intention of standing for parliament...


  • 2
    PHRASE 不想/很想;不打算/一心打算
    If you say that you have no intention of doing something, you are emphasizing that you are not going to do it. If you say that you have every intention of doing something, you are emphasizing that you intend to do it.

    We have no intention of buying American jets...



an act of intending;a volition that you intend to carry out
my intention changed once I saw her
an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions
his intent was to provide a new translation
good intentions are not enough
it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs
he made no secret of his designs
Synonym: purpose intent aim design
(usually plural) the goal with respect to a marriage proposal
his intentions are entirely honorable


  1. He has already stated his intention to run for election .


  2. He left England with the intention of travelling in Africa .


  3. She 's full of good intentions but they rarely work out .


  4. The original intention was to devote three months to the project .


  5. I have no intention of going to the wedding .


  6. I have every intention of paying her back what I owe her .


  7. He 's been upfront about his intentions since the beginning .


  8. He has already intimated to us his intention to retire .


  9. It was not my intention that she should suffer .


  10. I have every intention of honouring our contract .


  11. He has announced his intention to retire .


  12. I did it with the best intentions , but I only succeeded in annoying them .


  13. She has no intention of giving you a divorce ; she 's just stringing you along .


  14. I completely misunderstood her intentions .


  15. I had no intention of going into the whys and the wherefores of the situation .


  16. I admit that I mistook his intentions .


  17. Unfortunately , his good intentions never seemed to last long .


  18. One former patient has already indicated his intention to sue .


  19. Commitments have been made with very little intention of carrying them out .


  20. There was a clear intention to dilute black voting power


  21. He declared his intention to become the best golfer in the world


  22. The president said he had no intention of deploying ground troops .


  23. Our intention is to capitalize the company by any means we can


  24. The author 's intention is to keep everyone guessing until the bitter end


  25. Peter announced that he had no intention of wasting his time at any university


  26. He was explicit about his intention to overhaul the party 's internal voting system .


  27. He made it clear he had no intention of withdrawing from the political arena


  28. He had no intention of paying the cash


  29. The bank announced its intention to bid


  30. Originally the intention was to intersperse the historical scenes with modern ones .



include vt. 包括

in- 在内,进入,使 + clud 关闭 + -e

income n. 收入

in- 在内,进入,使 + come v.来

increase v. (使)增长,增多

in- 在内,进入,使 + creas- 增长,产生 + -e

indoor adj. (在)室内的

in- 在内,进入,使 + door n.门

inside prep. 在(或向)…内

in- 在内,进入,使 + side n.边

instead adv. 相反

in- 在内,进入,使 + stead n.替代

invent vt. 发明

in- 在内,进入,使 + vent 来

investigate v. 侦查(某事)

in- 在内,进入,使 + vestig- 脚印,踪迹 + -ate 做,造成

invite vt. 邀请

in- 在内,进入,使 + vit 生命 + -e

incident n. 发生的事情(尤指不寻常的或讨厌的)

in- 在内,进入,使 + cid 落下,降临 + -ent ...的

indeed adv. 的确

in- 在内,进入,使 + deed n.行为

indicate v. 表明

in- 在内,进入,使 + dic 说 + -ate 做,造成

influence n. 影响

in- 在内,进入,使 + flu 流动 + -ence 性质; 状态

inform v. 报告

in- 在内,进入,使 + form 形状

injure vt. (尤指在事故中)伤害,使受伤

in- 在内,进入,使 + jur 发誓,法律 + -e

injury n. 损伤

in- 在内,进入,使 + jur 发誓,法律 + -y ...的

inland adv. 在内陆

in- 在内,进入,使 + land n.陆地

insect n. 昆虫,虫

in- 在内,进入,使 + sect 切,割

insert vt. 插入

in- 在内,进入,使 + sert 放置,结合

insist v. 坚决要求

in- 在内,进入,使 + sist 站立

inspect vt. 检查

in- 在内,进入,使 + spect 看

inspire vt. 激励

in- 在内,进入,使 + spir 呼吸 + -e

instant n. 瞬息,顷刻,刹那

in- 在内,进入,使 + st- 站,立 + -ant ...的

institute n. 研究所

in- 在内,进入,使 + stitut 建立 + -e

instruct v. 指导

in- 在内,进入,使 + struct 建造,建立

instrument n. 器械

in- 在内,进入,使 + stru 建造 + -ment 行为或结果

insurance n. 保险

in- 在内,进入,使 + sur- 肯定;安全 + -ance 性质,状况

insure v. 投保

in- 在内,进入,使 + sure adj.确信的

intend v. 打算

in- 在内,进入,使 + tend 伸展

incline v. (使)倾向于,有…的趋势

in- 在内,进入,使 + clin 倾斜,斜坡 + -e

index n. (物价和工资等的)指数

in- 在内,进入,使 + dict 说,断言

indignant adj. 愤慨的

in- 在内,进入,使 + dign 有价值的 + -ant ...的

infect vt. 传染

in- 在内,进入,使 + fect 做,制作

infer v. 推断

in- 在内,进入,使 + fer 带来,拿来

influential adj. 有很大影响(力)的

in- 在内,进入,使 + flu 流动 + -ent ...的 + -ial ...的

inherit v. 继承(金钱、财产等)

in- 在内,进入,使 + herit 继承

input n. 输入

in- 在内,进入,使 + put v.放

inquire v. 询问

in- 在内,进入,使 + quir 问,找寻 + -e

install vt. 安装

in- 在内,进入,使 + stall 放

instance n. 例子

in- 在内,进入,使 + st- 站,立 + -ance 性质,状况

instinct n. 本能

in- 在内,进入,使 + stinct 刺,刺激

insult vt. 辱骂

in- 在内,进入,使 + sult 召集

intense adj. 强烈的

in- 在内,进入,使 + tens 伸展 + -e

invade v. 入侵

in- 在内,进入,使 + vad 走 + -e

invasion n. 武装入侵

in- 在内,进入,使 + vas 走 + -ion 行为,状态

invest v. 投资

in- 在内,进入,使 + vest 衣服

involve vt. 涉及

in- 在内,进入,使 + volv 卷,转 + -e

intact adj. 完整的

in- 在内,进入,使 + tact 摸

indulge v. 沉湎,沉迷,沉溺(于…)

in- 在内,进入,使 + dulge 不变的

intrigue n. 阴谋

in- 在内,进入,使 + trig- 琐事 + -ue

inventory n. 库存

in- 在内,进入,使 + vent- 来 + -ory 场所,地点

inclusive adj. 包含全部费用

in- 在内,进入,使 + clus 关闭 + -ive 形容词后缀

induce vt. 诱导

in- 在内,进入,使 + duc 引导 + -e

incorporate vt. 合并

in- 在内,进入,使 + corpor 身体,团体 + -ate 做,造成

intrude vi. 闯入

in- 在内,进入,使 + trud 推,插入 + -e

incentive n. 激励,鼓励,奖励

in- 在内,进入,使 + cent 唱,歌 + -ive 形容词后缀

insight n. 洞察力

in- 在内,进入,使 + sight n.视觉

intuition n. (一种)直觉

in- 在内,进入,使 + tuit 照管,监护 + -ion 行为,状态

inhale v. 吸入

in- 在内,进入,使 + hal 呼吸 + -e

incidence n. 发生范围

in- 在内,进入,使 + cid 落下,降临 + -ence 性质;状态


attention n. 注意

at- 加强 + tent 伸展 + -ion 行为,状态

collection n. 收集

collect v.收集 + -ion 行为,状态

conclusion n. 结论

con- 表强调 + clus 关闭 + -ion 行为,状态

congratulation n. 祝贺

congratulat(e) 祝贺 + -ion 行为,状态

decision n. (作出的)决定,抉择

de- 离开,向下 + cis 切,割 + -ion 行为,状态

direction n. 方向

direct adj.直达的 + -ion 行为,状态

discussion n. 讨论

discuss v.讨论 + -ion 行为,状态

education n. (尤指学校)教育

educat(e) 教育 + -ion 行为,状态

exhibition n. (一批)展览品

exhibit v.展出 + -ion 行为,状态

fashion n. 时尚

fash 做,制作 + -ion 行为,状态

generation n. 一代

generat(e) 产生 + -ion 行为,状态

impression n. 印象

impress v.使(人)赞赏尊敬 + -ion 行为,状态

invention n. 发明

invent v.发明 + -ion 行为,状态

location n. 地方

locat(e) 位于 + -ion 行为,状态

mention vt. 提到

ment 头脑,智力 + -ion 行为,状态

nation n. 国家

nat 出生,诞生 + -ion 行为,状态

operation n. 活动

operat(e) 运作;操作 + -ion 行为,状态

pollution n. 污染

pollut(e) 污染,弄脏 + -ion 行为,状态

section n. 部分

sect 切,割 + -ion 行为,状态

situation n. 情况

situat(e) 使位于 + -ion 行为,状态

solution n. 解决方案

solut 松的,解 + -ion 行为,状态

station n. 火车站

stat- 站,立 + -ion 行为,状态

suggestion n. 建议

suggest v.建议 + -ion 行为,状态

tradition n. 传统

tra- 穿,越 + dit 给,给予 + -ion 行为,状态

abortion n. 流产

ab- 离去,相反 + ort 升起,开始 + -ion 行为,状态

aggression n. 好斗情绪

aggress vi.攻击 + -ion 行为,状态

appreciation n. 欣赏

appreciat(e) 欣赏 + -ion 行为,状态

celebration n. 庆典

celebrat(e) 庆祝 + -ion 行为,状态

contribution n. 捐款

contribut(e) 捐献 + -ion 行为,状态

criterion n. 标准

-er 某种人 + -ion 行为,状态

decoration n. 装饰

decorat(e) 装饰 + -ion 行为,状态

description n. 描述

de- 完全,加强 + script 写 + -ion 行为,状态

devotion n. 挚爱

devot(e) 致力于,献身于 + -ion 行为,状态

dictation n. 口述

dictat(e) 口述 + -ion 行为,状态

discrimination n. 区别对待

discriminat(e) 区分;歧视 + -ion 行为,状态

edition n. 版本(出版形式)

edit v.编辑 + -ion 行为,状态

evolution n. 进化

e- 向外,离开 + volut 卷,转变 + -ion 行为,状态

expression n. 表示

express v.表达 + -ion 行为,状态

friction n. 摩擦

frict- 摩擦 + -ion 行为,状态

graduation n. (大学或美国高中的)毕业

graduat(e) 毕业 + -ion 行为,状态

institution n. (大学、银行等规模大的)机构

institut(e) 机构 + -ion 行为,状态

instruction n. 用法说明

instruct v.指示 + -ion 行为,状态

introduction n. 介绍

intro- 向内 + duct 引导 + -ion 行为,状态

irrigation n. 灌溉

irrigat(e) 灌溉 + -ion 行为,状态

liberation n. 解放

liberat(e) 解放 + -ion 行为,状态

motivation n. 动机

motivat(e) 推动 + -ion 行为,状态

permission n. 准许

per- 完全,贯穿 + miss 送出,投掷 + -ion 行为,状态

position n. 位置

posit 放 + -ion 行为,状态

possession n. 个人财产

possess v.拥有 + -ion 行为,状态

prescription n. (条例、指示、命令、法令等)规定

pre- ...前的 + script 写 + -ion 行为,状态

production n. 生产

pro- 向前,在前 + duct 引导 + -ion 行为,状态

profession n. (统称,指需要较高教育水平的)职业

profess 声称 + -ion 行为,状态

protection n. 保护

protect v.保护 + -ion 行为,状态

punctuation n. 标点符号

punctuat(e) 加标点 + -ion 行为,状态

radiation n. 辐射

radiat(e) 辐射 + -ion 行为,状态

reception n. 接待

re- 再,又 + cept 拿,抓,握住 + -ion 行为,状态

recreation n. 娱乐

recreat(e) 再创造 + -ion 行为,状态

regulation n. 章程

regulat(e) 管理;控制 + -ion 行为,状态

revision n. 修订

revis(e) 校正;修订 + -ion 行为,状态

translation n. 翻译

translat(e) 翻译 + -ion 行为,状态

vacation n. (美国学校的)假期

vacate 使空出,腾出 + -ion 行为,状态

version n. 变体

vers 转 + -ion 行为,状态

acceleration n. 加快

accelerat(e) 加速;加快 + -ion 行为,状态

accommodation n. 住处

accommodate 适应 + -ion 行为,状态

action n. 行动

act 行动,做 + -ion 行为,状态

admission n. 准许进入

ad- 加强 + miss 送出,投掷 + -ion 行为,状态

affection n. 感情

affect v.影响 + -ion 行为,状态

association n. 协会

associat(e) 使发生联系 + -ion 行为,状态

attraction n. 吸引力

attract v.引来 + -ion 行为,状态

calculation n. 计算

calculat(e) 计算 + -ion 行为,状态

commission n. (通常为政府管控或调查某事的)委员会

com- 共同,一起 + miss 送出,投掷 + -ion 行为,状态

communication n. 表达

communicate 交流,沟通 + -ion 行为,状态

companion n. 同伴

com- 共同,一起 + pan- 面包 + -ion 行为,状态

comprehension n. 理解力

com- 共同,一起 + prehens 拿,把握 + -ion 行为,状态

condition n. 条件

con- 共同,一起 + dit- 说话 + -ion 行为,状态

confusion n. 混乱

con- 共同, 一起 + fus(e) 流, 泻; 融化 + -ion 行为,状态

conjunction n. 连词 (如and、but、or)

con- 共同,一起 + junct 连接 + -ion 行为,状态

connection n. (两种事实、观念等的)联系,关联

connect v.连接 + -ion 行为,状态

consideration n. 考虑

consider 考虑, 思考 + -ate 具有...的 + -ion 行为,状态

construction n. 建设

con- 共同, 一起 + struct 建造, 建立 + -ion 行为,状态

consumption n. (能量、食物或材料的)消耗,消耗量

con- 共同,一起 + sumpt 用,拿 + -ion 行为,状态

contradiction n. 矛盾

contra- 反对, 相反 + dict 说, 断言 + -ion 行为,状态

convention n. 习俗

con- 共同,一起 + vent 来 + -ion 行为,状态

correction n. 校正

cor- 共同 + rect 直, 正 + -ion 行为,状态

definition n. (尤指词典里的词或短语的)释义,解释

defin(e) 使明确 + -ite... 的 + -ion 行为,状态

destruction n. 摧毁

de- 完全,加强 + struct 建造,建立 + -ion 行为,状态

determination n. 决心

determinat(e) 坚决的 + -ion 行为,状态

dimension n. 维(构成空间的因素)

di- 二者之间 + mens 测量 + -ion 行为,状态

distribution n. 分配

distribut(e) 分配 + -ion 行为,状态

division n. 分开

di- 分离 + vis 看 + -ion 行为,状态

election n. 选举

elect v.选举 + -ion 行为,状态

emotion n. 强烈的感情

e- 向外,离开 + mot 运动,移动 + -ion 行为,状态

exception n. 例外

except prep.除…外 + -ion 行为,状态

excursion n. 远足

ex- 出,出去 + curs- 跑,流动 + -ion 行为,状态

expansion n. 膨胀

expans(e) 宽阔 + -ion 行为,状态

explosion n. 爆炸

ex- 出,出去 + plos 打,击 + -ion 行为,状态

extension n. 扩大

ex- 出,出去 + tens 伸展 + -ion 行为,状态

fraction n. 小部分

fract 打碎 + -ion 行为,状态

function n. 作用

funct 活动 + -ion 行为,状态

illustration n. 插图

illustrat(e) 解释,阐明 + -ion 行为,状态

indication n. 指示

indicat(e) 指示 + -ion 行为,状态

injection n. 注射

inject v.注射 + -ion 行为,状态

inspection n. 视察

inspect v.检查 + -ion 行为,状态

interruption n. 中断

interrupt v.中止 + -ion 行为,状态

invasion n. 武装入侵

in- 在内,进入,使 + vas 走 + -ion 行为,状态

investigation n. 调查

investigat(e) 调查 + -ion 行为,状态

mission n. 使命

miss 送出,投掷 + -ion 行为,状态

motion n. 运动

mot 运动,移动 + -ion 行为,状态

navigation n. 航行

navigate 航行 + -ion 行为,状态

objection n. 反对

object n.物体 + -ion 行为,状态

occasion n. 场合

oc- 表强调 + cas 降落 + -ion 行为,状态

option n. 选项

opt 选择 + -ion 行为,状态

portion n. 部分

port 部分,分开 + -ion 行为,状态

precision n. 精确

precise 精确的 + -ion 行为,状态

procession n. (人或车辆的)队列,行列

pro- 向前,在前 + cess 行走,撤退 + -ion 行为,状态

proportion n. 部分

pro- 向前,在前 + port 部分,分开 + -ion 行为,状态

provision n. 提供

pro- 向前,在前 + vis 看 + -ion 行为,状态

reaction n. 反应

react v.作出反应 + -ion 行为,状态

rebellion n. 谋反

re- 相对,相反 + bell 战争 + -ion 行为,状态

reduction n. 减少

re- 再,又 + duct 引导 + -ion 行为,状态

reflection n. (声、光、热等的)反射

reflect v.反射 + -ion 行为,状态

relation n. 关系

relat(e) 联系,关联 + -ion 行为,状态

religion n. 宗教

re- 相对,相反 + lig 捆绑 + -ion 行为,状态

resolution n. 决议

resolut(e) 坚决的 + -ion 行为,状态

restriction n. 限制规定

restrict v.限制 + -ion 行为,状态

revolution n. 革命

re- 相对,相反 + volut 卷,转变 + -ion 行为,状态

selection n. 选择

select v.选择 + -ion 行为,状态

separation n. 分离

separat(e) 分开 + -ion 行为,状态

session n. 一场

sess 坐 + -ion 行为,状态

suspicion n. 怀疑

sus- 在...下面 + -(s)pic 看 + -ion 行为,状态

transmission n. 传输

trans- 转移 + miss 送出,投掷 + -ion 行为,状态

tuition n. (尤指大专院校的)学费

tuit 照管,监护 + -ion 行为,状态

vision n. 视力

vis- 看 + -ion 行为,状态

erosion n. 腐蚀

e- 向外,离开 + ros 咬 + -ion 行为,状态

concession n. 让步

con- 共同,一起 + cess 行走,撤退 + -ion 行为,状态

persuasion n. 说服

per- 完全,贯穿 + suas 劝告 + -ion 行为,状态

repression n. 压制

repress v.压服 + -ion 行为,状态

sanction n. 制裁

sanct 神圣的 + -ion 行为,状态

junction n. (公路或铁路的)交叉路口,汇合处,枢纽站

junct 连接 + -ion 行为,状态

illusion n. 幻觉

il- 使...,进入 + lus 玩;游戏;扮演 + -ion 行为,状态

tension n. 紧张

tens(e) 紧张,拉紧 + -ion 行为,状态

passion n. 激情

pass 走,跨过 + -ion 行为,状态

inflation n. 通货膨胀

inflate v.给…充气 + -ion 行为,状态

diversion n. 改道

di- 分离 + vers 转 + -ion 行为,状态

assumption n. 假定

as- 朝,向,加强 + sumpt 用,拿 + -ion 行为,状态

complication n. 并发症

complicat(e) 使复杂 + -ion 行为,状态

legislation n. 法规

legislate 立法 + -ion 行为,状态

compensation n. (对不利局面的)补偿

compensat(e) 补偿 + -ion 行为,状态

caution n. 小心

caut 小心 + -ion 行为,状态

innovation n. (新事物、思想或方法的)创造

innovate 改革,创新 + -ion 行为,状态

notion n. 概念

not 知道 + -ion 行为,状态

intersection n. 十字路口

intersect v.贯穿 + -ion 行为,状态

obsession n. 痴迷

obsess v.迷住 + -ion 行为,状态

obligation n. 职责

obligate 强迫,迫使 + -ion 行为,状态

vegetation n. 植被

vegetat(e) 生长 + -ion 行为,状态

imitation n. 仿制品,仿造品

imitat(e) 模仿 + -ion 行为,状态

auction n. 拍卖

auct 增加 + -ion 行为,状态

retention n. 保持

re- 再,又 + tent 伸展 + -ion 行为,状态

sensation n. 感觉

sensat(e) 可感觉的 + -ion 行为,状态

compassion n. 同情

com- 共同,一起 + pass 走,跨过 + -ion 行为,状态

intuition n. (一种)直觉

in- 在内,进入,使 + tuit 照管,监护 + -ion 行为,状态

intent design intention 【导航词义:意向,目的】
intent v. 〈正式〉意图



The company has declared its intent to get a bank loan.


He broke the window with the intent to enter and steal.


He denies possessing the gun with the intent to commit robbery.


design v. 意图,目的



He believed that this had happened by design.


What is your opinion on his grand designs for the company?


intention v. 意图,目的



I came to London with the intention of studying English literature.


She has no intention of making an apology to John.


  • 词语搭配
  • 习语



clear intention


original intention



express your intention


state your intention



the road to hell is paved with good intentions

it is not enough to intend to do good things; you must actually do them