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  • 网络操作符;实例;运算符;关键字;另外还有比较运算符
  1. You can check them with type hinting and instanceof tests .


  2. If required , the instanceof operator can be used to determine the specific destination subtype .


  3. The instanceof operator resolves to true if the given object is an instance of the given class .


  4. In some cases , it may be sensible to use an instanceof check prior to doing a class cast .


  5. You can even check that a certain method or property is available , with a finer granularity than through any instanceof check


  6. Other predicates are defined to make sure that the property provided as a parameter is an association end ( again , using the InstanceOf constraint ) .


  7. I could easily add support for reporting casts , instanceof tests , and catch blocks by implementing the appropriate methods in VerboseEditor .


  8. The instanceof function provides a good way of checking type , but you can also roll object type checking into the method signature itself by using type hints in the argument list .


  9. You can verify it manually with the instanceof operator , a handy tool introduced with PHP V5 that sits between an object instance and a class name .


  10. Similarly , instanceof checks on naked type parameters will result in an " unchecked " warning at compile time and the check will not occur as expected at runtime .


  11. In your language , you will make actor and the equal sign ( = ) reserved tokens in the language , much as the words if and instanceof are reserved tokens with particular meaning within the Java language .
