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  • 网络依诺米那;亿明达;启迪
  1. In order to meet the requirements of management and maintenance illumination system in big cities , an illumina - tion control system based on GPRS networks is proposed .


  2. That deal was consummated in the face of a belated counter offer from Illumina , a rival of Complete Genomics currently worth about $ 28bn .


  3. BGI was the single biggest customer for Illumina , accounting for as much as 40 per cent of its DNA sequencing machine orders , for equipment that cost up to $ 500,000 apiece .


  4. These instruments contain functions for cutting and removal of abnormal tissue , replacement of the excised tissue by a special irrigating solution and intraocular illumina - tion provided by a fiberoptic probe .


  5. Illumina China has been set up only for few years , how to rapidly grow in such a highly competitive market is a big question facing to the management team of Illumina China , is also the thesis of this paper .
