
  • n.不真诚;不诚实;无诚意

复数: insincerities



the quality of not being open or truthful;deceitful or hypocritical
Synonym: falseness hollowness


  1. She accused him of insincerity .


  2. His insincerity is revealed by the quick goggle of his eyes .


  3. The Engagement of Insincerity Parameter in Chinese Politeness and Face


  4. Compares with the culture world that full of insincerity , this event does have its important practical significance .


  5. You have a keen sensitivity allowing you to sense insincerity in others .


  6. Twenty years ago the insincerity of have a nice day used to rankle .


  7. He does not have to go through all this insincerity and acting .


  8. Twenty years ago the insincerity of " have a nice day " used to rankle .


  9. There arises a certain insincerity in our philosophic discussions .


  10. His insincerity was revealed by the quick goggle of his eyes .


  11. In a strange twist , though , people are less able to detect insincerity when apologies are directed at them .


  12. Keen sensitivities allow you to detect insincerity in others and to grasp the emotional coloring of your surroundings .


  13. It may be well meant , but it has the smack of insincerity , for the obvious reason that it 's not true .


  14. Some interpreted the government * s use of a server that couldn * t handle the first-day traffic as a sign of insincerity .


  15. I have a right to argue in this way when suppositions of his insincerity are reasoned upon on the other side .


  16. We can all sense insincerity , and therefore behaviors that come from a'we are going to fix you because you are an idiot'position rarely have positive effects .


  17. She loathed all the insincerity and evasions of her fellow politicians .


  18. The instant her voice broke off , ceasing to compel my attention , my belief , I felt the basic insincerity of what she had said .


  19. The main reasons for the undeveloped finance in the Western China are as follows : backward economy , inappropriate financial system , financial restraints , slow development of capital market , insincerity , etc.


  20. When we enjoy the long history , brilliant culture and noble disposition of Europe , simultaneously , its sophistication , insincerity , perseverance and corruption are also distinctly disclosed .


  21. Pedants will also claim , with what I am sure is eye-popping insincerity and shameless disingenuousness , that their fight is only for'clarity ' .


  22. The glaring insincerity of these sermons was not sufficient to compass the banishment of the fashion from the schools , and it is not sufficient to-day ;


  23. On the one hand , he says , his reference to a divine mission , he explicitly says there , will be taken by his audience as being just another instance of Socratic irony and insincerity .


  24. However , the American disappointing performance with regard to Kyoto Protocol is a reflection of the impartiality , insincerity , and intentional bias in the international cooperation advocated by the USA in the field of environmental protection , disclosing the contradictions and struggle therein .


  25. As part of the case , Depp and Heard were awkward participants in an extraordinary video , in which they offered an apology of staggering insincerity , and Depp mutters that people should " declare everything when you go to Australia . "


  26. However , due to the impact of various values and adverse factors , insincerity issues such as cheating on the exam , homework plagiarism , malicious default tuition , diddling on grants , cheating on network communication , resume fake appeared in the students of accounting majors .


  27. This habit of looking down or to the side when considering the right way to answer can backfire at a job interview as it is often erroneously interpreted as insincerity and a desire to hide something , so be careful not to glance away too much when talking !


  28. Lionel Trilling , inSincerity and Authenticity : The charles Eliot Norton Lectures , 1969 & 1970 , standing on the view of literature criticism , had discussed the history of that how the meaning of " sincerity " was tampered by the strong modern real consciousness .
