
美 [ˌɪnfluˈenʃl]英 [ˌɪnfluˈenʃl]
  • adj.有很大影响(力)的;有权势的;有支配力的
  • n.有影响的人;有权势的人

in- 在内,进入,使 + flu 流动 + -ent ...的 + -ial ...的




having a lot of influence on sb/sth

a highly influential book


She is one of the most influential figures in local politics.


The committee was influential in formulating government policy on employment.




  • 1
    ADJ-GRADED 有影响力的;有权势的
    Someone or something that is influential has a lot of influence over people or events.

    It helps to have influential friends.



having or exercising influence or power
an influential newspaper
influential leadership for peace


  1. She is one of the most influential figures in local politics .


  2. The committee was influential in formulating government policy on employment .


  3. When discussing influential modern artists , three names immediately come to mind .


  4. He had been influential in shaping economic policy .


  5. He was one of the most influential performers of modern jazz


  6. Far too many party hacks from the old days still hold influential jobs .


  7. It helps to have influential friends .


  8. We can brainstorm a list of the most influential individuals in the company .


  9. Chaplin was not just a genius , he was among the most influential figures in film history .


  10. And , lest we forget , Einstein wrote his most influential papers while working as a clerk .


  11. He procured girls of 16 and 17 to be mistresses for his influential friends .


  12. He always tries to get in with the most influential people .


  13. He is a very influential man in the government .


  14. He is always ready to flatter rich and influential people .


  15. This man has influential backing .


  16. Another influential feeder for advanced-math students is an online school called Art of Problem Solving , which began about 13 years ago and now has 15,000 users .


  17. He points out that the most reproduced works of impressionism today tend to have been bought by five or six wealthy and influential collectors in the late 19th century .


  18. Saying they can no longer ignore the rising prices of health care , some of the most influential medical groups in the nation are recommending that doctors weigh the costs , not just the effectiveness of treatments , as they make decisions about patient care .


  19. We grasp most things that influential people say


  20. The influential official asked him to fetch it at once . After he examined it for a long time , he said : " This one is not genuine . "


  21. One day , Lu Sheng presented this fake tripod to an influential official , who was so pleased as if he had got a treasure that he invited guests to a banquet to appreciate it together .


  22. Influential factors and strategies on quality of medical students ' clinical practice


  23. Exploration on Influential Factors of International Policy of Higher Education


  24. The Form Distribution and Influential Factors of Woods ' Root System


  25. Investigation on sleeping quality of university students and its influential factors


  26. Objective To explore the main influential factors of infant behavior development .


  27. Influential factors , background and trend of community sports development


  28. Review on influential factors of plant water use efficiency


  29. Analysis of dynamic response time of MR damper and its influential factors


  30. The influential effects of life event on stuents'mental health .



include vt. 包括

in- 在内,进入,使 + clud 关闭 + -e

income n. 收入

in- 在内,进入,使 + come v.来

increase v. (使)增长,增多

in- 在内,进入,使 + creas- 增长,产生 + -e

indoor adj. (在)室内的

in- 在内,进入,使 + door n.门

inside prep. 在(或向)…内

in- 在内,进入,使 + side n.边

instead adv. 相反

in- 在内,进入,使 + stead n.替代

invent vt. 发明

in- 在内,进入,使 + vent 来

investigate v. 侦查(某事)

in- 在内,进入,使 + vestig- 脚印,踪迹 + -ate 做,造成

invite vt. 邀请

in- 在内,进入,使 + vit 生命 + -e

incident n. 发生的事情(尤指不寻常的或讨厌的)

in- 在内,进入,使 + cid 落下,降临 + -ent ...的

indeed adv. 的确

in- 在内,进入,使 + deed n.行为

indicate v. 表明

in- 在内,进入,使 + dic 说 + -ate 做,造成

influence n. 影响

in- 在内,进入,使 + flu 流动 + -ence 性质; 状态

inform v. 报告

in- 在内,进入,使 + form 形状

injure vt. (尤指在事故中)伤害,使受伤

in- 在内,进入,使 + jur 发誓,法律 + -e

injury n. 损伤

in- 在内,进入,使 + jur 发誓,法律 + -y ...的

inland adv. 在内陆

in- 在内,进入,使 + land n.陆地

insect n. 昆虫,虫

in- 在内,进入,使 + sect 切,割

insert vt. 插入

in- 在内,进入,使 + sert 放置,结合

insist v. 坚决要求

in- 在内,进入,使 + sist 站立

inspect vt. 检查

in- 在内,进入,使 + spect 看

inspire vt. 激励

in- 在内,进入,使 + spir 呼吸 + -e

instant n. 瞬息,顷刻,刹那

in- 在内,进入,使 + st- 站,立 + -ant ...的

institute n. 研究所

in- 在内,进入,使 + stitut 建立 + -e

instruct v. 指导

in- 在内,进入,使 + struct 建造,建立

instrument n. 器械

in- 在内,进入,使 + stru 建造 + -ment 行为或结果

insurance n. 保险

in- 在内,进入,使 + sur- 肯定;安全 + -ance 性质,状况

insure v. 投保

in- 在内,进入,使 + sure adj.确信的

intend v. 打算

in- 在内,进入,使 + tend 伸展

intention n. 打算

in- 在内,进入,使 + tent 伸展 + -ion 行为,状态

incline v. (使)倾向于,有…的趋势

in- 在内,进入,使 + clin 倾斜,斜坡 + -e

index n. (物价和工资等的)指数

in- 在内,进入,使 + dict 说,断言

indignant adj. 愤慨的

in- 在内,进入,使 + dign 有价值的 + -ant ...的

infect vt. 传染

in- 在内,进入,使 + fect 做,制作

infer v. 推断

in- 在内,进入,使 + fer 带来,拿来

inherit v. 继承(金钱、财产等)

in- 在内,进入,使 + herit 继承

input n. 输入

in- 在内,进入,使 + put v.放

inquire v. 询问

in- 在内,进入,使 + quir 问,找寻 + -e

install vt. 安装

in- 在内,进入,使 + stall 放

instance n. 例子

in- 在内,进入,使 + st- 站,立 + -ance 性质,状况

instinct n. 本能

in- 在内,进入,使 + stinct 刺,刺激

insult vt. 辱骂

in- 在内,进入,使 + sult 召集

intense adj. 强烈的

in- 在内,进入,使 + tens 伸展 + -e

invade v. 入侵

in- 在内,进入,使 + vad 走 + -e

invasion n. 武装入侵

in- 在内,进入,使 + vas 走 + -ion 行为,状态

invest v. 投资

in- 在内,进入,使 + vest 衣服

involve vt. 涉及

in- 在内,进入,使 + volv 卷,转 + -e

intact adj. 完整的

in- 在内,进入,使 + tact 摸

indulge v. 沉湎,沉迷,沉溺(于…)

in- 在内,进入,使 + dulge 不变的

intrigue n. 阴谋

in- 在内,进入,使 + trig- 琐事 + -ue

inventory n. 库存

in- 在内,进入,使 + vent- 来 + -ory 场所,地点

inclusive adj. 包含全部费用

in- 在内,进入,使 + clus 关闭 + -ive 形容词后缀

induce vt. 诱导

in- 在内,进入,使 + duc 引导 + -e

incorporate vt. 合并

in- 在内,进入,使 + corpor 身体,团体 + -ate 做,造成

intrude vi. 闯入

in- 在内,进入,使 + trud 推,插入 + -e

incentive n. 激励,鼓励,奖励

in- 在内,进入,使 + cent 唱,歌 + -ive 形容词后缀

insight n. 洞察力

in- 在内,进入,使 + sight n.视觉

intuition n. (一种)直觉

in- 在内,进入,使 + tuit 照管,监护 + -ion 行为,状态

inhale v. 吸入

in- 在内,进入,使 + hal 呼吸 + -e

incidence n. 发生范围

in- 在内,进入,使 + cid 落下,降临 + -ence 性质;状态


material n. 布料

mater- 母性,母亲 + -ial ...的

official adj. 公务的

offic(e) 办公室 + -ial ...的

special adj. 特殊的

spec 看 + -ial ...的

facial adj. 面部

fac(e) 脸,面 + -ial ...的

initial adj. 最初的

init- 开始 + -ial ...的

memorial adj. 纪念的

memor- 记忆 + -ial ...的

potential adj. 潜在的

potent adj.强势的 + -ial ...的

racial adj. 种族的

rac- 种族 + -ial ...的

artificial adj. 人工的,人造的,人为的

art 技巧,技术 + -i- + fic 做,制作 + -ial ...的

beneficial adj. 有益的

bene- 善,好 + fic 做,制作 + -ial ...的

commercial adj. 贸易的

commerce n.贸易 + -ial ...的

essential adj. 本质的

ess 存在 + -ent ...的 + -ial ...的

financial adj. 财政的

financ(e) 财政 + -ial ...的

substantial adj. 大量的

sub- 在下面 + stant 站,立 + -ial ...的

superficial adj. 粗略的

super- 在...上面 + fic 脸,面 + -ial ...的

denial n. 拒绝

den(y) 否认 + -ial ...的

editorial n. (报刊的)社论

editor n.主编 + -ial ...的

imperial adj. 帝国的

imper- 命令,统治 + -ial ...的

confidential adj. 保密的

confident adj.自信的 + -ial ...的

controversial adj. 引起争论的

contro- 反对 + vers 转 + -ial ...的

crucial adj. 关键的

cruc 十字,交叉 + -ial ...的

credential n. (某人)可以信任的证明

cred- 相信 + -ent ...的 + -ial ...的

colonial adj. 殖民的

colon(y) 殖民地 + -ial ...的

aerial n. 天线

aer 空气 + -ial ...的