
美 [ˈɪnˌkʌmɪŋz]英 [ˈɪnˌkʌmɪŋz]
  • 网络收入
  1. Write down your incomings and outgoings .


  2. He paid more attention to the incomings and outgoings of the company .


  3. Study on Annual Incomings System Based on Principal-agent Theory


  4. eg.Please pay more attention to the outgoings and incomings of our company .


  5. Analysis on Status of Educational Expenditures Practiced on Compulsory Education in Ethnics Group Aggregated Regions in Northwest China INVESTIGATION ON CURRENT SITUATION OF THE DIVIDED MANAGEMENT ON INCOMINGS AND EXPENSES IN TOWNSHIP HOSPITALS OF JIANGXI


  6. Mainly affected by operating level of the Plant , fluctuating backwater area appeared characteristics of reservoir region during low water period , and those of river channel during flood period in consequence of upstream incomings of water and sediment .


  7. It indicates the magnificent interests to China to develop green food industry in overcoming the Green barriers established by other countries , be more competitive in the international market and facilitating Chinese agricultural economy and increasing the peasants ' incomings .


  8. He sees government finances as akin to those of a corner shop whose outgoings must not exceed its incomings – the difference being that cost-cutting by the shopkeeper is unlikely to affect the prosperity of his customers .
