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美 [ɪˈmædʒɪnɪŋz]英 [ɪˈmædʒɪnɪŋz]
  • n.幻想物;想象出的事物


things that you imagine, that exist only in your mind



  • 1
    N-PLURAL 想象之物;想象出的东西
    Imaginings are things that you think you have seen or heard, although actually you have not.

  1. With every special things , With angle songs , With wild imaginings .


  2. With very special things , with angel songs , with wild imaginings .


  3. But even in my darkest imaginings I had not foreseen that he would get me two cars .


  4. Shi fills my heart with very special thing , With angel songs , with wild imaginings .


  5. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings .


  6. My mother contributed to these imaginings .


  7. Build of your imaginings a bower in the wilderness ere you build a house within the city walls .


  8. Arousing the Sleeping Father & On the " horrible imaginings " in Macbeth


  9. Nature strength of spirits to shield you in sudden misfortune , but do not distress yourself with imaginings .


  10. In many castles , such imaginings are hampered by the fact that the nobles are still in residence .


  11. Let us not , because of our own imaginings , cut down this tree that the hand of heavenly grace hath planted ;


  12. Old behrman , with his red eyes plainly streaming , shouted his contempt for such foolish imaginings .


  13. I was lying in bed Chouzhe packet of cigarettes imaginings , miss Qiaoguo door go into the room .


  14. Brainstorming the word refers to the psychiatric patients ' minds short time of thinking disorder phenomenon , at this time the patient produces a large number of imaginings .


  15. The essence of Huang Chih-yang 's creative work comes from his exploration of and imaginings about primal power , finding methods and reasons for movement in the microscopic world .


  16. When people do nod off , 1 / 3 dream about their jobs at least twice a week-with Sunday being the most common night for office imaginings .


  17. Using an experimental method to replicate landscapes , the empty space in bottles is turned into a stage of sorts , into which participants plant their memories , experiences and imaginings of water .


  18. How should we read such images and how do they relate to our childhood imaginings ? Indeed , are they imaginary at all anymore , or just another communication of something seen ?


  19. From imaginings of vast conspiracies to complacency that global warming can only be benign , the arguments against taking the danger seriously are rooted in a refusal to face reality .


  20. Do not mistake me ; I am not yet weak enough to yield to fearful imaginings , which are almost as absurd as illusions of hope , and are certainly harder to bear .


  21. Scientific advances and globalisation seem to encourage doom-laden imaginings environmental collapse , overpopulation , global warming , resource exhaustion , pandemics , terrorism , nuclear disaster and most recently the eurozone crisis .


  22. Macbeth is less a Senecan atrocity than a dramatic exploration of human psyche , which is based , to a large extent , upon the audience 's " horrible imaginings " .


  23. First , it brings novelty . The show is filled with high-tech gimmickry , led by a dazzling effect that allows our hero to stroll through a 3-D version of his own imaginings .


  24. A strange , misty moorland - not unconnected to the landscape of her childhood - was the setting for the combination of beautiful tailoring and wild imaginings that characterize the house .


  25. With the lapsing of our old activity of inventing and enacting adventures , Joe Weller and I diverted our wild imaginings on several occasions to a jocular vein .


  26. Scientific advances and globalisation seem to encourage doom-laden imaginings - environmental collapse , overpopulation , global warming , resource exhaustion , pandemics , terrorism , nuclear disaster and - most recently - the eurozone crisis .


  27. He was surprised to find this young woman - who though but a milkmaid had just that touch of rarity about her which might make her the envied of her housemates - shaping such sad imaginings .


  28. Added to them , however , was a collection of imaginings and half-truths spread on social networks mythical quotes from Mark Twain and Martin Luther King Jr and rumours of a blast at the US embassy in Afghanistan .


  29. By the time these tropes filter down into popular culture , and have morphed into the imaginings of showbiz writers , we 've gone from an image problem to the realm of Jungian archetypes and haunting traumatized psyches .


  30. Tiny Times sells imaginings of lives yet to be lived . " We are very different from people born in the 1960s or 70s -- they were people who dressed the same and ate the same food in the same cafeteria , living the same kind of life , " he said .
