They suffered the ignominy of defeat .
If they were caught , she would be thrown out in disgrace , dismissed with ignominy .
The Morality Value and Era Significance of Socialism Concept about Honor and Ignominy
However , you can also bounce back from empathetic ignominy .
The workers coalition experienced the ignominy of total defeat in the last election .
In other words so long as one remains within the limits of socially proper behavior no ignominy could come .
Gradually his feeling of ignominy and of rage sank .
The very ideal of ignominy was embodied and made manifest in this contrivance of wood and iron .
While other members of this corporate bracket have avoided that ignominy , their long-term stock charts present bleak pictures .
Alongside a currency plunge and softening economic growth , cross-border MA was a source of ignominy for India in 2013 .
This preparation for bonds , and the additional ignominy it inferred , took a little of the excitement out of me .
The basis of shame is not some personal mistake of ours , but the ignominy , the humiliation is seen by everyone .
Was she now to endure the ignominy of his abandoning her ?
Never again willyou endure the ignominy of being out in public with no way to blow yournose .
He looked now more careworn and emaciated than as we described him at the scene of hester 's public ignominy ;
American International Group , the stricken US insurer , is to suffer the ignominy of having its name stripped from the landmark AIG Tower in Hong Kong .
Heaven hath granted thee an open ignominy , that thereby thou mayest work out an open triumph over the evil within thee and the sorrow without .
Hester Prynne did not now occupy precisely the same position in which we beheld her during the earlier periods of her ignominy .
But surely the bigger question is when , not if , France is downgraded meaning the inevitability of such ignominy should already be factored into asset prices anyway .
Thus , we seem to see that , as regarded Hester Prynne , the whole seven years of outlaw and ignominy had been little other than a preparation for this very hour .
Of course , part of her anger was the ignominy of being carried back to the compound in the shuttle by three Battloids , like some kind of broken-down commuter craft .
During much of its tenure , it held power because it helped deliver rising prosperity to a country that had only recently endured the ignominy of second-world-war defeat and American occupation .
If the minister 's voice had not kept her there , there would nevertheless have been an inevitable magnetism in that spot , whence she dated the first hour of her life of ignominy .
The former middleweight , super middleweight and cruiserweight Champ worked his way back from that ignominy , albeit by winning just once , over Dominic Gunn in october .
How dreary looked the forest-track that led backward to the settlement , where Hester Prynne must take up again the burden of her ignominy , and the minister the hollow mockery of his good name !
A : I am angry as a politician and as a former banker myself , because I think that I 'm very proud of profession and a banking history which goes back to centuries has been brought down to this sort of ignominy .
The very law that condemned her - a giant of stern features , but with vigour to support , as well as to annihilate , in his iron arm - had held her up , through the terrible ordeal of her ignominy .