
美 [ˌɪnfoʊˈmɜːrʃl]英 [ˌɪnfəʊˈmɜːʃl]
  • n.广告;(电视上的)商业信息片;资讯广告节目

复数: infomercials



especially NAmE(电视上的)商业信息片,资讯广告节目
a long advertisement on television that tries to give a lot of information about a subject, so that it does not appear to be an advertisement



  • 1
    N-COUNT 名人电视促销节目;政客访谈节目
    An infomercial is a television programme in which a famous person gives information about a company's products or services, or a politician gives his or her opinions. The word is formed from 'information' and 'commercial'.

    New $750,000 infomercials, featuring artists like Cher, have recently hit the screens...

    耗资 75 万美元、有雪儿等艺人出镜的新的名人电视促销节目近来播出了。


a television commercial presented in the form of a short documentary
Synonym: informercial


  1. He doesn 't get all late night infomercial


  2. Joel : You sound like a commercial , or an infomercial .


  3. I was watching TV the other night , and I saw this infomercial .


  4. Is that where you found this diet , on some late-night infomercial ?


  5. New cover identities hidden in the static of a phone , a map and a message encrypted in an infomercial .


  6. That is a fake alarm that she bought Off of some infomercial or something , okay ?


  7. When 'd they get an infomercial ?


  8. It produced a 30-minute infomercial called " Citizens of the Shale " and bought time to run it on local stations .


  9. He put out in this infomercial .


  10. Infomercial marketers got a boost during the recession as traditional TV advertisers pulled back , leaving some broadcasters with unsold air time .


  11. It sounds like an infomercial ( 1 ) from late-night TV : Follow this four-step plan and improve your memory in just 14 days !


  12. Increasing your brainpower has been the subject of many an ad and infomercial touting herbs and other products designed to make you smarter for a price .


  13. The bottom line : After years of pitching kitchen gadgets and closet organizers on late-night TV , the infomercial business is going bricks-and-mortar .


  14. Whether you are selling door-to-door , on the phone , through an infomercial , or on a website , ultimately the venue doesn 't matter .


  15. Now after selling half his infomercial and advertising consulting business to finance " Divorce , the Musical ," Dworman hopes he will break even and maybe even make some money .


  16. Mr. Shor and his wife , Linda , began eating this way about five years ago , after watching a fitness infomercial on TV discussing the benefits of frequent small meals .


  17. One thing that makes the film seem less smart is that , as the characters in the movie keep talking about Harvey and his book , it may look like an infomercial for the book .


  18. I 'm very aware that I 'm sounding like a Tony Robbins infomercial , but the raw fact of the matter is that your attitude will determine whether or not you succeed .


  19. Okay ? Um , but I saw this infomercial , and um , I swear to you I have never , ever bought anything on TV before , except for this mop .


  20. This is an infomercial I saw over the summer , I 'm promising you , this is real , the Parakeet , so beautiful , great to look at , and what a wonderful companion .


  21. As the Motion Picture Association of America 's chief executive , Christopher J. Dodd , said in a video infomercial for the Qingdao complex that played as part of the event , " Any time an audience grows , everyone benefits . "


  22. I know I don 't want to stop my parents from giving money to their favorite community organizations and Catholic charities ( as long as they are real ones ) , nor am I immune to an alluring infomercial ( what lured my father into the overpriced bleach box ) .
