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  • 网络艺达思;美国艺达思;国际防务展览会;国际防务展;防务展
  1. Classification and idex of the plants were mainly based on plant forms .


  2. A study of establishment of shocking IDEX by coal and rock stiffness


  3. Evaluation idex system is the core of evaluation of talents cultivation level in higher vocational education , which comprise of form structure and content structure .


  4. Therefore the RI value could be a refernce idex for diagnosis of villi residue after drug induction .


  5. The main idea , procedure and idex system were studied in this thesis , and the importance of traffic forecast in expressway management and economical idex system were analyzed .


  6. The 10th International Defense Exhibition , or IDEX , is taking place in Abu Dhabi with more than 1000 companies showing their military equipment and services .


  7. The pavement evenness is a synthetic idex , is involved with factors at each link of construction process , is also a final embodiment of each link in whole process of pavement construction .


  8. The major ear seed setting rate as the direct idex of cold tolerance is reliable , anthes length and anther volume can be as the indirect index of cold tolerance .


  9. Different concentrations of three chemicals enhanced ear numbers per unit area , seed numbers per ear , seed setting percentage , harvest idex and yield . But they had no influence on 1000-seed weight .


  10. It is shown that the proposed scheme guarantees the stability of the closed-loop system and achieves tracking performance idex , meanwhile the influences of external disturbance , neural network approximation error and the cross-coupling of input to output on the tracking error are reduced to a prescribed level .
