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  • 网络电子书;软件;电子教科书
  1. It looks like a cross between iBooks and a folder view , actually .


  2. iBooks Author , a program for creating books ;


  3. Last month , the company 's iTunes Movies and iBooks stores in China were ordered shut by a national regulator .


  4. Apple claims it offers a " new textbook experience " and suggests its interactive iBooks textbooks are " the next chapter in learning . "


  5. Earlier this year , Apple 's iTunes movies and iBooks services were blocked in China as part of a wider crackdown on foreign content .


  6. Apple has entered the textbook market . The tech giant introduced iBooks textbooks a couple of weeks ago when it announced its iBooks 2 platform .


  7. Apple must pay $ 400m in compensation to people who bought ebooks through its iBooks store , under the conditional settlement agreed in July 2014 .


  8. The 2013 trial revealed that a string of emails were sent by Jobs and Mr Cue to publishing industry executives during their negotiations over iBooks .


  9. Apple has built a virtual newsstand right onto iOS5 , very similar to the iBooks app but exclusively for magazines and periodicals .


  10. Apple may also have some making up to do with the Chinese government , following the media regulator 's decision to order the closure of its iBooks and iTunes stores earlier this year .


  11. The result was the bestselling ebook , infinity blade : awakening , which debuted at No. 1 on iBooks .


  12. Whereas Amazon set ebook prices for the Kindle store , Apple introduced the " agency pricing " model with its iBooks system , allowing publishers to decide how much to charge .


  13. On the iTunes media platform , Apple takes a cut of each sale made through each of its digital storefronts : the App Store , iBooks and iTunes music and video .


  14. Apple has already introduced three types of educational software intended to make the iPad a fixture in the classroom : an updated electronic bookstore called iBooks 2 that allows students to download more interactive textbooks ;


  15. Pegatron Senior Vice President Andy Tsai said that in 1999 , the company he founded , Alpha-Top Technology Corp. , landed the contract for Apple 's first-generation iBooks .


  16. According to the developer , the trick works in iTunes , iBooks , App Store and the Apple Watch app , but not in Podcasts , Music , Game Center or iMessage .
