hop out

美 [hɑːp aʊt]英 [hɒp aʊt]
  • 跳出来;后摆
hop outhop out


get out of quickly
The officer hopped out when he spotted an illegally parked car
Synonym: get off


  1. She didn 't hop out , though .


  2. Bird hop out , and the crow hop in .


  3. The jaw-dropper , however and probably three or four years off is a BMW system already in prototype form , which allows its driver to park near his garage , hop out and command the car to park itself completely by using the remote control key .


  4. Hop , stepped out one leg , jumping , the muscles of the exercise of the working methods and sprinting skills are very close to the development of the runner special qualities of effective means .


  5. Hop online and find out more concerning the contemporary high efficiency gas furnace and other alternative wood burning options .
