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  • 网络苗族;苗语


a language of uncertain affiliation spoken by the Hmong
Synonym: Hmong language Miao
a people living traditionally in mountain villages in southern China and adjacent areas of Vietnam and Laos and Thailand;many have emigrated to the United States
Synonym: Miao


of or related to the Hmong people or their language or their culture


  1. There are two types of wedding rituals in Hmong culture .


  2. Ancient folk song and long poem are the most representative works of Hmong Folk Literature .


  3. Hmong Americans belong to a special group of people in American society .


  4. Have you even heard of the Hmong people ?


  5. However , to finish the process of interpretation cant not escape from discussing Hmong people 's traditional life consciousness .


  6. Stepped-up police co-operation to stamp out an evil little trade in Hmong women would be a good start .


  7. The Hmong were forced to flee their mountain villages and to take sides in the conflict .


  8. Crack Hmong guerillas became the undeclared muscle behind U.S. foreign policy in this Southeast Asian nation .


  9. The inter influence between Hmong language and Chinese is conspicuous as a result of the long time contacts between the two ethnic groups .


  10. Some Hmong kid got chucked off a roof .


  11. In the Hmong culture , the parents thank each individual by giving them a small amount of money as a token of appreciation .


  12. A Hmong marriage implies an agreement between two clans and it is an important goal for most Hmong men and women .


  13. Fresno – General Vang Pao is considered to be the longtime leader of the Hmong community .


  14. the Hmong , who started coming in the mid-1970s as refugees from the Vietnam War and the US secret war in Laos ;


  15. When that effort failed in1975 , Gen Pao led many thousands of Hmong into what are now well-established exile communities in the US .


  16. to study what happens to the Hmong and Karen microbiomes when people move from refugee camps and villages in Thailand to the USA.


  17. A tradition for the32 years the Hmong have lived in Minnesota , the event features traditional music , food , talent shows , information booths and a marketplace .


  18. In this paper , Miao quantifier ( East Guizhou dialect ) as an example to explore the characteristics of the Hmong and Quantifiers Quantifiers reflected cultural phenomenon .


  19. There is some tradition of bride-kidnapping among the Hmong themselves , but this gangsterised , cross-border variety is especially cruel .


  20. Lee 's comprehensive history traces the experiences of myriad Asian-American communities , from Chinese laborers in 1850s California to Hmong refugees in 1980s Minnesota .


  21. A Hmong marriage celebrates community and is practiced as closely as possible to the ways of the ancestors in China while also adjusting to the new options available here in North America .


  22. The original ancient folk song of Hmong ( Miao ), known as encyclopedia of ancient society of Hmong ( Miao ) people , may enbody profound truths .


  23. Yong blames Vang Pao and his Hmong supporters in the US for the still-steady flow of refugees out of Laos .


  24. Unlike in Laos , North American Hmong males often wait till they graduate from high school or college to marry ; however , Hmong girls continue to marry in their middle teens .


  25. The phrase came in third on the list , followed by " Hmong " a mountain dwelling people in Laos from the Clint Eastwood movie " Gran Torino " .


  26. Nao Chang said an important goal of the event has been to educate the nation 's younger Hmong population about how to be successful in the United States & through education and observance of the law .


  27. Now , a precarious peace has come with the 1973 cease-fire , and the Hmong , driven out of their hilltop isolation , find themselves thrust into the mainstream of Laotian life . "


  28. As someone who lives and teaches in Minnesota , Lee devotes a substantial chapter to the challenges facing Hmong refugees , tens of thousands of whom were resettled there by the American government after the end of the Vietnam War .
