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  • 网络马拉松;黑客马拉松
  1. Mr. Madden founded Code for Change Myanmar and organized the country 's first hackathon , a gathering of developers to tackle a problem , in March .


  2. That same focus on immediate results has also prompted the design consultancy , Ideo , to produce its own version of the hackathon : The Make-a-thon .


  3. The Hackathon had planned a coordination with White House office of science and technology policy .


  4. Start stuff - a hackathon , a club , a project , a company , a new running group , whatever .


  5. The Hackathon is now underway , with nearly 1,000 progressive HR practitioners and thinkers from around the world working to make all organizations more adaptable .


  6. Rajiv Makhijani and two friends who won a Glass hackathon , are now developing a social gaming idea , which sounds to me like Foursquare meets match.com .


  7. Coding away , seeing who could go the fastest , write the most efficient code I think you call it today probably a hackathon And whoever lost that contest would have to go down the hall


  8. The traditional travel documents would be ditched for ' cloud passports ' as part of the initiative , which was presented during a ' hackathon ' in Canberra , according to the Canberra Times .


  9. After all , life nowadays seems to move at super sonic speed . And for us humans to catch up with it , we need these kinds of dedicated creative minds to help us catch up , a hackathon at a time .
