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  • 网络高血压性脑出血
  1. Methods Seventy-two cases with HIH were randomly divided into treated group and control group , each group was thirty-six cases ;


  2. Objective To evaluate the various surgical treatments of hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage ( HIH ) .


  3. Objective To investigate the nosocomial infection condition in patients with hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage ( HIH ) .


  4. Conclusions The optimized time of head hypothermia treatment on HIH is continuing treatment for 3 or 4 days after body temperature recovering .


  5. Methods 203 cases HIH are divided into four groups , A group is 58 cases who were carried out temperature descension measure in ≤ 3 h ;


  6. Conclusion Change in brain temperature straightly affects the prognosis of HIH patients . HTI should be the technique of choice in lowering brain temperature .


  7. With hih Q value optical microdisk resonator has much application in many fields , such as high integrated optical path with low cost , biological sensors with high sensitivity .


  8. With the occurrence of bankruptcy of HIH , financial scandals of AIG and so on , some foreign coun - tries took many measures to enhance the supervision of finite risk reinsurance .


  9. Objective To study changes in interleukin-6 ( IL-6 ) and tumor necrosis factor - α ( TNF - α) levels in hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage ( HIH ) and observe the potential effect of head hypothermia .


  10. To explore whether there are insulin resistance ( IR ) and hyperinsulinemia ( HIS ) in the patients with hypertensive intracerebral haemorrhage ( HIH ), and the relationship between IR and the patients conditions and prognosis .


  11. Recently , a lot of financial scandals have occurred in international companies such as Australia insurance company HIH , American Enron , which makes more and more people to pay attention to whether financial information and financial activities have any fraudulent information .


  12. Objective : To evaluate the clinical feasibility and the statistical rationality of the combined grading method based on the GCS scale , CT and general conditions and to determine the surgical indications of the hypertensive intracranial hemorrhage ( HIH ) based on the combined grading method .
