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  • 网络硬编码;硬编码的
  1. I don 't want to hardcode the tax rate into the closure .


  2. Previously , answering questions like these required developers to hardcode complex logic into their applications .


  3. Never hardcode strings that might change based on deployment such as connection strings .


  4. These artifacts hardcode a default endpoint address to be used by the requestor .


  5. So we had a lot of discussions and started to hardcode blocking classes like commons logging .


  6. Unfortunately , many users either write the password down in obvious places or hardcode the password into their communications software .


  7. You could also hardcode the dataset if it was constant and relatively small , such as the list of states in the United States .


  8. You could hardcode the coordinates of the buttons , but that would be unreliable , because the sizes change according to the text .


  9. When you hardcode an MCAUSER , you can lock down administrative access , but you lose the ability to distinguish one user from another .


  10. So , if you need a UID to create a data item , but can 't hardcode it into your application , how can you do it ?


  11. Alternatively , if you don 't want to hardcode the state name , you can use a variable and dynamically pass the value to your query method when it runs .


  12. When developing service consumer code , keep in mind that there may be service intermediaries or other providers , and don 't hardcode any information about an instance of a provider .


  13. If you hardcode your process-execution layer in a Java class , your workflow is no longer configurable , whether or not you use IoC to configure the task layer .


  14. While you can hardcode the value for this attribute , it ? s probably most useful when you programmatically assign a value to this attribute based on a certain logic in the code .


  15. In the domain of diagnosis of plant diseases and insect pests , traditional expert systems hardcode the knowledge structure during design period , so they are not easy to be extended without rewriting the source code .


  16. This revised method takes an incoming SDO data object and inspects all of the fields and values in it , without any of the drawbacks of having to hardcode parameter or object values .


  17. While it 's safe to hold a local cache of commonly-used item UIDs in your application , do not hardcode them in the same way that category paths can be .


  18. In some cases ( particularly with Broadcom NICs and Cisco switches ), you may have to hardcode the speed / duplex on the card and on the switch end .


  19. Since this sender code is running in a J2EE client application , we don 't hardcode the names of the JMS resources that are used ; we use the java : comp / env namespace instead .
