- 网络半心半意的;不认真的;不热心的;心不在焉

The truth is , many things are worth doing only in the most slovenly , halfhearted fashion possible , and many other things are not worth doing at all .
A halfhearted effort ; gave only lukewarm support to the candidate .
I wish you weren 't so halfhearted about this new project !
She was rather halfhearted in her attempts to find a job .
However , reforms have often been halfhearted .
You should ignore any result good or bad that comes after you put in only a halfhearted effort .
You should ignore any result - good or bad - that comes after you put in only a halfhearted effort .
Schlender made a halfhearted attempt to schedule a visit but quickly gave up , to his everlasting regret .
" Hey , Mike ," I called , waving back , unable to be halfhearted on a morning like this .
But Kane wasn 't settling for a halfhearted commitment .
A face-saving , halfhearted lunge would follow .
halfheartedly A halfhearted attempt at writing a novel . turned for the door The sick man has taken a turn for the better .
According to influential US management professors David Yoffie and Michael Cusumano , this is just the latest manifestation of Apple 's halfhearted acceptance of the significance of tech platforms .
" It will be really fun . " Her attempt to convince me was halfhearted . I suspected that Jessica enjoyed my inexplicable popularity more than my actual company .
However , those who * omit a cover letter , or submit one with an obviously * halfhearted effort , could be missing out on an opportunity to set themselves apart from the crowd .
God is not interested in halfhearted commitment , partial obedience , and the leftovers of your time and money . He desires your full devotion , not little bits of your life .
If the meritorious deed is unintelligent and halfhearted , the result will be a favourable rebirth without wholesome roots , by reason of which one is likely to have defective sense faculties .
The main causes of misdiagnosis of ICT on CT were atypical CT features , cognitive insufficiency and halfhearted observation to CT features , improper scanning methods , errors of diagnostic thinking and CT machine factors , and so on .
During the day , there was work : I taught two hour-long classes of 15 and 16-year-olds , and , because I assigned no homework and rarely gave out tests , spent the afternoons either reading or making a halfhearted attempt to learn Chinese .