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  • 网络中国燃气涡轮研究院;绿茶提取物;大于等于;真实临时入境;甘油转环氧氯丙烷
  1. Our experimental results suggest that GTE may have some practical use in cancer prevention .


  2. The probable target organs of GTE were liver and kidney .


  3. Mechanisms of the antipromoting effect of GTE are discussed .


  4. Gte ( greater than or equal to )


  5. The focus is to describe the difficulties and challenges faced by GTE in its product planning , sales and marketing , internal restructuring .


  6. The green tea extract ( GTE ) significantly inhibited the promoting effect of TPA in BALB / 3T3 cell transformation assays .


  7. The results show that the design is successful . Movable baffle pressure distortion generator developed by GTE is able to meet the requirements of engine stability tests .


  8. The Third Industry Company Of GTE ( Gas Turbine Establishment ) is its internal subordinative department , mainly dealing with logistic ensuring and some related service .


  9. A Subject " Impact of Suction Surface Shape on High Pressure Turbine Trailing Edge Loss " has been conducted by BRR , GTE and DLR .


  10. GTE decreased the frequency of SCE induced by oxygen radical in IAR 20 liver cells treated with hypo-zanthine and xanthine oxydase .


  11. The interaction properties of active compounds in green tea extract ( GTE ) and involved proteins in the path of drugs delivery were studied systematically by high performance liquid chromatography-UV / DAD combined with ultrafiltration .


  12. In the case , the author briefly introduces the development of GTE , a telecom equipment manufacturer with more than 40 years history , as well as its massive business operation and development in IC card payphone industry in the recent years .


  13. In in vivo experiments , GTE inhibited edema induced by TPA in mouse ear . The inhibitory effect of GTE on the induction of ornithine decarboxylase activity was also found in mouse skin treated with TPA .


  14. As GTE is now carrying on a structural adjustment called " refined and separated function , classified business management " , the Third Industry Company being an auxiliary , facing a problem of specialized and standardized management and developing strategy programming after reorganization .
