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  1. But the emissions of CO , CH2O , are look like the upside down " U " curve .


  2. Through the transformation function of modifier , it successfully realizes zero emission of such harmful substance as CH2O in combustion of low-carbon fuel .


  3. Our calculation suggests that the dissociation of CH2O on Au / CeO2 ( 111 ) surface is energetically favorable in thermodynamics .


  4. Based on these findings , we constructed a series of surface cluster models to mimic the adsorption and reaction of CH2O ," an indicator of MSR mechanism " .


  5. Acetone ( C3H6O ) and formaldehyde ( CH2O ) are two typical little molecular materials of VOCs which generated in the industry fields and decorative materials .


  6. The normal exhaust emissions like NOX , CO have clear distribution regularity in cylinder . The amount of CH2O is two order of magnitudes lower than that of normal emissions .


  7. The acrylic fiber wastes ( PAN ) are hydrolyzed with alkaline at atmospheric pressure and the hydrolyzate is crosslinked by CH2O in aqueous solution to obtain a high water absorbing resin .


  8. In perchloric acid , the hydration number of uranyl ion varies from 4 to 5 with the increment of CH2O / CUO22 + mole ratio .


  9. The results show that the reaction has three channels , yielding the products of HOCl + CH2O , CH2O2 + HCl and CH3Cl + O2 ( 1 △), respectively .


  10. The key factor for sole low temperature reaction is the absence of H2O2 decomposition , and H2O2 can decompose rapidly when cylinder temperature exceeds over 1 000 K. Thus , the low temperature can not produce enough OH radical to oxidize CH2O .


  11. The route to produce HOCl + CH2O was most favorable no matter whether it was considered from the viewpoint of kinetics or thermodynamics . Thus , the channel producing HOCl + CH2O is the main one in agreement with experiment .


  12. The net photosynthetic rate is higher on condition of full light and slight sun shading , seedlings growing is vigorous , the accumulation of CH2O is more , so dried leaf weight , branch biomass , root system biomass and total biomass per seedling all is more .
