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  • 网络模型;客户关系管理;空间资源管理系统;语法;团险客户经理
  1. Study on GRM compound material crust of solar water heater and production technology


  2. Global Recognition Method ( GRM ) is worth study in the research field of engineering drawing vectorization .


  3. This article is involved with the research of GRM method application based on the active fault investigation in Changchun City .


  4. Reinterpretation of PG wave refraction data along profile HQ-13 in Jiangsu by GRM method


  5. In this paper , a new method , general reciprocal method ( GRM ), is used in interpretation of Pg wave data along HQ-13 line in Jiangsu Province .


  6. According to MSAF , V GRM and the palindrome rule , We designed a tail segment searching filtration method , predicting gene regulation relationships of eukaryotes .


  7. To provide core elements of high-performance GRM sensor , the coercivity of the spin-valve material is reduced by a novel transverse annealing process . Secondly , the single domain model of spin-valve is investigated .


  8. According to the previous research study , we choose the one-dimensional Graded response model ( GRM ), which analysis the responses of 200 subjects in 3 oral items rated on 5 point scaling of HSK [ advanced ] .


  9. At the same time , it suggested that the enhancement of RGR under grazing or clipping is not the necessary and sufficient conditions of overcompensation , or GRM may not apply to all species .


  10. We use the programmable logic resource in TILE to build scan chain . Based on the direction of switch in GRM , we classify the testing into horizontal testing , vertical testing , left diagonal testing and right diagonal testing .
