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  • 网络马来西亚反贪污委员会
  1. The MACC 's administration section requested a copy of the diary some time last year , but he could not provide it because his computer had a virus infection .


  2. Effects of Different Types of Water Stress on Ethylene Production , Contents of ACC and MACC in Wheat Plants


  3. The Effects Of BPA Treatment On ACC 、 MACC and Ethylene Biosynthesis and Respiration in Banana Fruits


  4. Effect of nano_3 concentrations on the growth and fatty acid compositions of Phaeodactylum tricornutum macc / b226


  5. It is the first time to report that the phytase gene was transferred and expressed stably in Chlorella sp. MACC / C95 , a kind of unicellular eukaryotic green marine algae .


  6. In MACC Selangor , he is the most important person who decides whether a case should be prosecuted even if the power should rest in the hands of the Deputy Public Prosecutor ( DPP ) .


  7. A bacterial strain named STR B was isolated from soil , which could be cultivated on some media , such as SFM , LB , EMB , PDA , MM and MacC agar . It was gram negative and could be viewed without flagellas under electron microscope .
