- n.庄严;严肃

But although the job title suggests experience and gravitas , the truth is anyone can call themselves a consultant .
Terry Pratchett 's Discworld might not have the gravitas of other fantasy works , but it makes our list by virtue of being pure fun .
He is pale , dark , and authoritative , with the gravitas you might expect of a Booker prize winner .
While appearance was deemed less important than gravitas and communication skills , it 's the very first thing people see .
IT department can also ascertain gravitas in the boardroom in getting the right resources for innovations .
Such careers had no particular gravitas – but all that has changed .
It has been proven time and again that a shorter look gives women much more gravitas than those who have longer hair .
My father and the fathers of my boyhood friends were men of gravitas , authority figures .
Finance director Douglas Flint , too , has the gravitas to succeed Mr Green as chairman .
Founders are generally free to execute their vision with added " gravitas , " Harford argues .
She never seemed like an ing é nue , though : Even as a teenager , she had gravitas .
The finished result may have charm but is technically poor and lacks the gravitas of previous official photographs , according to experts .
Highly unlikely that happens with Buffett , both because of his legal rights and his grandfatherly gravitas .
Do employees walk around the office with their heads held a little higher and answer the phone with a bit more gravitas in their voice ?
He has dignity , he has gravitas .
Apple 's products , along with Jobs'personality traits , are what gave him the gravitas that made his keynotes Momentous Events , with all eyes on Steve .
At first glance , Kaneshiro lacks the gravitas to carry such an esteemed character in Chinese history , but he gives the character a unique , refreshing interpretation .
For one thing , it shows how big tech companies such as Google are scrambling to increase their financial acumen and gravitas as their balance sheets grow in size and complexity .
The inscriptions , set in a custom typeface designed by the stone carver Nick Benson , manage to convey both extraordinary gravitas and a modern energy .
If you don 't pass that test , no one 's going to worry too much about your gravitas because you are struck off the list , ' Ms. Hewlett says .
While Mr. Eco had many defenders in academia and the literary world , critics in both realms sometimes dismissed him for lacking either scholarly gravitas or novelistic talent .
Even before the negotiations have begun , politicians across the continent are treating the topic with all the respect and gravitas of a pack of terriers encountering roadkill .
Gandalf ( Ian McKellen ) makes his way back to center stage from imprisonment , with Cate Blanchett and Christopher Lee swooping in to lend supporting gravitas .
Gravitas is first and foremost about confidence and staying calm in a stressful situation , and then showing teeth , which means being decisive even when faced with hard choices , Ms. Hewlett says .
The executives in Hewlett 's study pinpointed three essential elements of " presence " : Gravitas ( how you act ) , communication ( how you speak ) , and appearance ( how you look ) .
Gravitas , especially confidence in your own abilities and knowledge , is by far the most important of the three , according to 67 % of those polled , although it overlaps a lot with communication , which got 28 % of the vote .
Watching the boob tube used to be the couch potato 's hobby , hardly a subject to trot out over cocktails . Now , that stigma has vanished , and a few knowing remarks about ' House of Cards ' can confer gravitas .