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  • abbr.通用电子维修模型(Generalized Electronics Maintenance Model);普通导弹模型
  1. Conclusion : Using CD34 immunoaffinity column the hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells can be enriched efficiently and the separated CD34 + cells have obvious expansion efficiency and ability of CFU GEMM forming .


  2. Results : APS and the conditioned media of bone marrow stromal cell ( BMSC ), endothelial cell ( Ec ), monocyte ( Mc ) induced by APS markedly promoted the proliferation and differentiation of early multipotential progenitor cell ( CFU GEMM );


  3. The hematopoiesis of recipient mice was observed in 20 and 40 days post transplantation . Blood RBC and WBC were counted , and nucleated cells , CFU S , CFU GM , CFU E and CFU GEMM were assayed in recipient bone marrow .
