Both position papers argue that the industry 's standard 2 per cent management fee should drop as a fund 's assets grow and it benefits from economies of scale , otherwise a fund risks becoming an asset gatherer rather than an asset manager .
Internet users are either information providers or information gatherers .
The brazil nut gatherers were paid only 2 to 3 percent of the New York wholesale price .
They used to be normal farmers or wood gatherers .
Defended system includes management center , firewall , pseudo server and data gatherer .
We function as gatherers of information .
The earliest people were roving hunters and gatherers who made primitive stone tools .
Select the information be included in the gatherer log , in addition to errors and warnings .
Modeling Hunter - Gatherers of China
You need a company that is actively participant in your search engine marketing campaign , not just an information gatherer .
A member of the race of nomadic hunters and gatherers who live in southern Africa .
Hedge funds are performance-driven but their biggest investors , the funds of funds are asset gatherers .
We have a good account of it in a poem by Emperor Yuan of the Liang dynasty called Lotus Gatherers .
During the Paleolithic Age , people were primarily nomadic hunters and gatherers , collecting fruit and fishing .
Hedge fund pioneer Michael Steinhardt has criticized hedge fund managers for becoming nothing more than asset gatherers .
Gatherers will spend much of their time trying to locate specific resources ; whether or not they can successfully recover them will depend on their skill levels .
The League 's simple , brutal and effective strategy was to employ a militia to raid the toll gatherers ' hideouts .
Pearl , whose activity of spirit never flagged , had been at no loss for amusement while her mother talked with the old gatherer of herbs .
Studies of hunter - gatherers and tribal peoples give modern Homo sapiens our best look at who we are and who we can be as human beings .
Henceforth the editors were to be news gatherers and the newspaper staked its future on its ability to gather , print , and circulate news .
After the September 11 terrorist attacks , a new role as first responders to terrorist incidents and primary gatherers of intelligence has emerged for local police departments of U.S.A.
Although a single student may be serving as editor and content gatherer , all students in the groups are required to author sections of the proposal related to their chief area of responsibility .
I 've just read an article in Psychology Today arguing that we became that way because it made it harder for other hunter gatherers to take advantage of us in the jungle .
Instead they act as information gatherers and coordinators of the banking system and they encourage and corral the banks as a group to provide support and assistance to the bank in difficulty .
When in the market place you toilers of the sea and fields and vineyards meet the weavers and the potters and the gatherers of spices
The genomes of contemporary pygmy and hunter gatherer tribes in Africa , for example , have roughly as many differences as do those of European modern humans and Neandertals .
For they too are gatherers of fruit and frankincense , and that which they bring , though fashioned of dreams , is raiment and food for your soul .
During the long , ob scure , dimly defined prehistoric period when man lived as a wandering hunter and food gatherer , frequent food shortages must have prevented the development of village civilizations .
The wild aromatic root of the Queen Anne 's lace weed has been fine-tuned over generations by selective herb gatherers until it has evolved into a sweet carrot of the garden ;
Secondly , we use VS. NET 2005 and SQL Server 2005 to implement the functions of information gathering , intelligent filtering , automatic classifying , automatic publishing , parallel fuzzy searching , synchronous update of distributed databases and RSS feed gatherer .