friend of the family

美 [frend əv ðə ˈfæməli]英 [frend ɒv ðə ˈfæməli]
  • 一家人的朋友
friend of the familyfriend of the family
  1. It 's his first time . he 's a friend of the family .


  2. I know that he was some kind of friend of the family .


  3. Turns out he 's a close friend of the family .


  4. B : A friend of the family .


  5. an old friend of the family .


  6. Willard , I 'm an old friend of the family .


  7. May I introduce Peter flint , a very old friend of the family .


  8. A friend of the family came and fixed things Between the girl and the angry parents .


  9. A clergyman friend of the family conducted the funeral .


  10. Eww ! He 's just an old friend of the family .


  11. of a hot-shot attorney who 's a friend of the family .


  12. His position as a friend of the family doesn 't entitle him automatically to a share of the inheritance .


  13. Speaking to The Sun , a friend of the family said : 'She feels everyone is talking about her and whispering behind her back .


  14. The pictures were taken by photographer Alasdair McLellan , who shot Victoria for UK Vogue and David for Fantastic Man , and is a ' friend of the family ' .


  15. According to one friend of the family , Mr Kim 's fondness for Macao dates back to at least 2001 , when he was caught trying to enter Japan – ostensibly to visit Tokyo Disneyland – on a fake Dominican Republic passport .


  16. He told her he was a close friend of the royal family , and she was naive enough to believe him .


  17. The teenager had become ' overwhelmed ' with sadness over the loss of her superstar father , said a friend of the Jackson family .


  18. He is ununderder investigation for what the FBI calls inappropriate communications with a Florida socialite , who is also a friend of the Petraeus family .


  19. The idea for the iPad came from an engineer at Microsoft , who was married to a friend of the Jobs family , and who invited Jobs to his fiftieth-birthday party .


  20. But Madame Defarge knew that Miss Pross was a true friend of the Doctor 's family , and Miss Pross knew that Madame Defarge was the family 's enemy .


  21. And he 's not a suitcase , you know , he 's a family friend and a part of the family , so it was really important for us that he be safe and comfortable and be able to have a vacation with us .
