- n.觅食者;抢劫者,强征队员,粮秣员;青饲料联合收获机,饲料收割切碎机;外勤蜂;采集蜂;飞翔蜂

In Japan a fungus forager can earn a good living .
He thought the scout bee 's dance told the forager bees three things :
Karl called the bees that collect the food forager bees .
In forager societies grandmothers provide a substantial amount of child care as well as nutrition .
They didn 't believe it was the dance that led the forager bees to food .
Question 17 . According to Karl , what information do the scout bees tell forager bees ?
The offspring could learn foraging information from mother in uterus and weaning , and get also foraging information from experienced forager through social learning .
Canals , derelict corners , the edges of parks the adventurous and intelligent forager will find everything required .
Anthropologists have looked at life spans in hunter-gatherer and forager societies , which are like the societies we evolved in .
This differential proteomic analysis reveals sex-biased protein expression in the sexual mature antennae of drone and forager worker bees , and indicates their responding mechanism to different olfactory functions accordingly .
Young chimps gather as much food as they eat by the time they are 7 or so . But even in forager societies , human children pull their weight only when they are teenagers .
Scott 's heart broke at the sound of her voice ; save for a hint of Southlands Forager accent , it might as well have been that of Marlene Rush .
The platypus is a forager that scoops up insects , larvae , shellfish , worms and gravel with its bill from the mud on the bottom of streams .
That is why leaders of the movement like Loren Cordain and Robb Wolf advocate a " wild " diet that falls roughly in line with that of those Paleolithic forager ancestors who had not yet learned to cultivate and eat grain , much less pry the lid off a Pringles can .