
  • n.封臣,封地
  • feudatory的复数
  1. Whereas , Huizhou entered a relatively stable period of more than one hundred years after Revolt of the Three Feudatories .


  2. The Three Feudatories were arrogant and domineering , becoming the barriers for the Qing Government to stablize the national political power and strengthen the frontiers .


  3. When Kangxi came to theign , he took it as the task of top priority to cut down to state the Three ries . His suppression of the Three Feudatories was helpful to the integration of the nation .


  4. The first part has an introduction to the society of Huizhou before Revolt of the Three Feudatories . The Qing government maintained the stability of Huizhou by increasing the garrison and used the Bao-Jia system to strengthen the control of Huizhou people .


  5. They were called uThree FeudatoriesThe Three Feudatories had their armies and set up their own separatist regime , acting like the independent kingdoms and spending a great deal of military expenditure , which made half of the national wealth be spent on them . "
